Tech Field Day Comes to Zerto
By Joshua Stenhouse, Zerto Technical Evangelist
Last week, Zerto welcomed the Tech Field Day (TFD) team and delegates at our Boston office to give them a rundown on what we’ve been doing since our last presentation at TFD VMworld 2014.
The history of Zerto and TFD goes back a long way. In fact, our relationship goes all the way to our first GA release back at Storage Field Day in November 2012, where we actually built some of the feedback into our roadmap! We’ve maintained this relationship ever since and give full credit to the TFD team for continuing to grow and transform these informative events to such a high level with a world-class field of delegates from literally around the world.
Multiple vendors were in attendance, but Zerto specifically had a 2-hour presentation slot which we had to plan in advance to make sure our presentation stood up to the scrutiny of the most technical audience a vendor could ever imagine. We even had the help of blog posts from Julian Wood and Alastair of what they wanted to see from us:
Tech Field Day 11 Preview: Zerto
Given this guidance, we covered 3 different use cases of customers, gave multiple demos of the features relating to each use case, delivered new product demos never seen before at TFD, discussed what’s coming next and talked about future direction of Zerto itself. You can check out all of the video recordings in the link below:
Zerto Presents at Tech Field Day 11
Or alternatively, you can consume the videos one by one, starting with the introduction to Zerto:
Use case 1 – Protecting a 20,000 VM environment:
Use case 2 – Recovering from Cryptolocker:
Use case 3 – Cross-hypervisor migrations:
If you are interested in the script example shown in the use case 1 video, check out:
Automate VM Protection with vRO & Zerto – ZVM only
It was a privilege to present to a room full of such knowledgeable individuals, get some great feedback and responses to the really cool things we are doing at Zerto. I can’t wait for the next TFD event!