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Cloud & Data Management

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 Feature Highlight – Amazon Web Services (AWS) Enhancements

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 Feature Highlight – Amazon Web Services (AWS) Enhancements

September 5, 2017

You’ve no doubt already noticed that with the release of Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5, Zerto is continuing to drive use of the cloud and particularly, hybrid cloud models, to better enable organizations to increase their resilience.  In 5.5, arguably the biggest feature added is automated failback from Microsoft Azure – but because flexibility is such […]

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 Demo: Showcasing Failback from Azure

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 Demo: Showcasing Failback from Azure

August 31, 2017

Hopefully you’re now in the know with some of what’s new in Zerto Virtual Replication (ZVR) 5.5. If you need a quick refresher, head over to Ryan’s latest blog here for a quick taste, and more here by Adam. One exciting feature with ZVR 5.0, released near the end of 2016, was the integrated failover […]

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5: To the Cloud and Back Again…

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5: To the Cloud and Back Again…

August 8, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

With the eagerly anticipated release of Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 on August 22nd, it’s time to get all fired up! Why? The fantastic new features in this release are going to make true hybrid cloud resilience possible. It’s the era of the cloud. If you weren’t already convinced that cloud-based infrastructures are the way of […]

Simplifying Cloud Migration with US Signal and Zerto

Simplifying Cloud Migration with US Signal and Zerto

July 20, 2017

The benefits of cloud migration have been proven time and time again, including the switch from CapEx to OpEx, reduced manpower requirements, the ability to scale resources on demand, greater security, better performance, and more. So, why are many organizations still hesitant to make the move? Some may be in a situation comparable to the […]

Why Shift to the Cloud?

Why Shift to the Cloud?

June 23, 2017

Cloud computing is causing a paradigm shift in the information technology landscape.  Companies are moving production workloads and even entire datacenters to the cloud in order to fully realize the benefits the cloud offers.  However, two questions that I was always taught to ask myself during my university days was, “Why”, and “How?” Why are […]

Future Proofing – What Can Zerto Do For You?

Future Proofing – What Can Zerto Do For You?

June 21, 2017

Introducing new technology to an IT organization often times is met with resistance. Although it plays a part, the resistance comes not from “fear of the unknown,” but rather the dread of integrating a new platform, learning a new platform, operating a new platform, and maintaining yet another new platform. How can an organization embrace change when […]

Embracing Hybrid Cloud – What Can Zerto Do For You?

Embracing Hybrid Cloud – What Can Zerto Do For You?

June 2, 2017

With so many organizations looking to find ways to embrace the public cloud without compromising the security of their data and applications, a hybrid cloud strategy is rapidly becoming the preferred method of efficiently delivering IT services. While it’s all very well-and-good deciding that a hybrid cloud strategy is the way forward, successfully creating an […]

Accelerate Migrations to the Cloud or Anywhere – What Can Zerto Do For You?

Accelerate Migrations to the Cloud or Anywhere – What Can Zerto Do For You?

May 5, 2017

A datacenter migration is a huge and incredibly complex project.  You have spent months planning it, thousands of dollars acquiring the resources for it, and you aren’t even sure if your team is going to pull it off!  The idea is simple enough – take my applications and data I have on premise and move […]

Updates and Upgrades – What Can Zerto Do For You?

Updates and Upgrades – What Can Zerto Do For You?

April 4, 2017

Server upgrades and updates. I’m sure you know the history by now of how Zerto came to be. It starts off on our company “About” page stating how Zerto provides enterprise-class disaster recovery. Well, the beautiful thing about creating a hypervisor-based solution that not only continuously replicates virtual machine blocks to another site, but also […]

Amazon S3 Outage: What About Cloud Resilience?

Amazon S3 Outage: What About Cloud Resilience?

February 28, 2017

Outages happen. It’s inevitable. Today’s example? Amazon S3 As one tweet declared, “Half the Internet” runs on S3, so when the public cloud is down, small and large businesses alike are impacted with downtime. While the actual impact of the disruption may not be measurable, for days to come we’ll continue to hear commentary and […]

IBM Cloud for Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) Disaster Recovery powered by Zerto

IBM Cloud for Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) Disaster Recovery powered by Zerto

October 12, 2016

If you’ve been keeping up with Zerto news over the past few months, you may have noticed a trend toward the global, enterprise-level companies aligning with us to deliver powerful replication and orchestration capabilities to their service offerings. We’re very proud that Zerto’s Virtual Replication (ZVR) is production-proven to the point that the largest software […]

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.0 Features – Azure

Zerto Virtual Replication 5.0 Features – Azure

September 23, 2016

By now, you are hopefully pretty excited about the upcoming Zerto Virtual Replication (ZVR) 5.0 release. For a quick refresher, checkout Josh’s “DRaaS to Azure” section in this VMworld announcement from a few weeks ago, meaning ZVR 5.0 will support Microsoft Azure as a target platform. Before we expand on this topic, the main points […]

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