Informational Posts about Disaster Recovery - Zerto

Disaster Recovery

QUIZ: Should You Break Up With Your Disaster Recovery Plan?

QUIZ: Should You Break Up With Your Disaster Recovery Plan?

February 14, 2018

I noticed something today – disaster recovery plans are no different than relationships.  Bear with me while I draw this analogy for you.  In order to get a good disaster recovery plan (you know, one that you can see yourself with for a long time), you need to put in the time.  Sure, I can go to […]

Disasters to Scare the IT Out of You!

Disasters to Scare the IT Out of You!

October 31, 2017

“The day began like any other Monday morning – that’s when the phone rang…One of the traders couldn’t access a file that was critical for trading.  Assuming it was nothing out of the ordinary, I began work to try and restore the file.   It was then that I noticed the Ransomware infection.  I stared in […]

The Bald Truth: RPO/RTO (Recovery Time Objective/ Recovery Point Objective)

The Bald Truth: RPO/RTO (Recovery Time Objective/ Recovery Point Objective)

October 24, 2017

Whether you’re in the IT industry or not, you’ve either barely heard the term RPO/RTO or you have heard it and think you know what it means to you. We here at Zerto wanted to make sure you understood our stance on this dire topic in order to ensure you leave here informed, educated, and […]

Hurricane Preparedness: Ensuring Resilience of Your IT Infrastructure

Hurricane Preparedness: Ensuring Resilience of Your IT Infrastructure

September 18, 2017

In recent weeks, the US and Caribbean have been hit by what seems to be a never-ending barrage of storms during one of worst hurricane seasons in recent history. As Texas and Florida begin to assess the impact of the destruction caused by these devastating storms, those of us watching from other parts of the […]

Disaster Recovery 101: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About DR….But Were Afraid to Ask! (Updated Sept. 2022)

Disaster Recovery 101: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About DR….But Were Afraid to Ask! (Updated Sept. 2022)

June 8, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

In today’s evolving digital landscape, comprehensive disaster recovery (DR) solutions are more important than ever. Modern businesses can’t afford downtime or data loss, and customers expect 24/7 access to their data and applications. But as DR solutions and the threats they defend against become more complex, making the right choice about DR is imperative to […]

Installing Zerto Virtual Replication – Step 5

Installing Zerto Virtual Replication – Step 5

April 21, 2017

In the first 4 blog posts we covered installing a Zerto Virtual Manager (ZVM), deploying Virtual Replication Appliances (VRAs), installing a Zerto Cloud Appliance (ZCA) and protecting VMs in Virtual Protection Groups (VPGs). If you missed these steps check out them out below: Step 1 – Installing a ZVM Step 2 – Deploying VRAs Step […]

Installing Zerto’s Virtual Replication in Minutes – Step 3

Installing Zerto’s Virtual Replication in Minutes – Step 3

March 23, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 1 minutes

So far, we have covered installing a Zerto Virtual Manager (ZVM) and deploying Virtual Replication Appliances (VRAs). If you missed it check out: Step 1 – Installing a ZVM Step 2 – Deploying VRAs The third step is to deploy a Zerto Cloud Appliance (ZCA). You only need to complete this step if you want […]

Installing Zerto’s Virtual Replication in Minutes – Step 4

Installing Zerto’s Virtual Replication in Minutes – Step 4

March 29, 2017

In the first 3 blog posts we covered installing a Zerto Virtual Manager (ZVM), deploying Virtual Replication Appliances (VRAs) and installing a Zerto Cloud Appliance (ZCA) if you need to replicate to AWS or Azure. If you missed these steps check them out below: Step 1 – Installing a ZVM Step 2 – Deploying VRAs […]

Installing Zerto’s Virtual Replication in Minutes – Step 2

Installing Zerto’s Virtual Replication in Minutes – Step 2

February 9, 2017

In the first blog post we covered installing a Zerto Virtual Manager (ZVM), if you missed it check it out here: Installing Zerto’s Virtual Replication in Minutes – Step 1 The second step is to deploy the Virtual Replication Appliances (VRAs) onto each ESXi or Hyper-V host that you are going to replicate VMs from […]

When IT Disasters Strike: Keep Calm and Communicate – Just ask GitLab

When IT Disasters Strike: Keep Calm and Communicate – Just ask GitLab

February 1, 2017

Airlines, take notes from GitLab. This is how you do a disaster. We’ve been saying this for years, disasters are gonna happen. Not a week goes by without news of some airline outage, ransomware taking down a hospital or power failure taking down a major website. This week saw (at least) two. Delta’s outage and GitLab’s […]

If You’re in IT at a Law Firm, This is What Your Peers are Talking About

If You’re in IT at a Law Firm, This is What Your Peers are Talking About

January 30, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

The CIO at a law firm has a great responsibility to the partners and the business. One of their primary tasks is to ensure that the lawyers have access to the critically important information they need to write briefs, motions, and close out cases — all the while maximizing billable hours. Standing in their way […]

Not Just a Unitasker: Zerto’s Virtual Replication

Not Just a Unitasker: Zerto’s Virtual Replication

September 19, 2016

On Alton Brown’s cooking show, he used to abhor a unitasker – a tool used for only one thing. They clutter the cabinets and are useful only in the rare instance that you need to slice an egg or store half an onion. Similarly, a unitasking product in tech is annoying. They clutter your IT […]

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