Informational Posts about Disaster Recovery - Zerto

Disaster Recovery

When IT Disasters Strike: Keep Calm and Communicate – Just ask GitLab

When IT Disasters Strike: Keep Calm and Communicate – Just ask GitLab

February 1, 2017

Airlines, take notes from GitLab. This is how you do a disaster. We’ve been saying this for years, disasters are gonna happen. Not a week goes by without news of some airline outage, ransomware taking down a hospital or power failure taking down a major website. This week saw (at least) two. Delta’s outage and GitLab’s […]

If You’re in IT at a Law Firm, This is What Your Peers are Talking About

If You’re in IT at a Law Firm, This is What Your Peers are Talking About

January 30, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

The CIO at a law firm has a great responsibility to the partners and the business. One of their primary tasks is to ensure that the lawyers have access to the critically important information they need to write briefs, motions, and close out cases — all the while maximizing billable hours. Standing in their way […]

Not Just a Unitasker: Zerto’s Virtual Replication

Not Just a Unitasker: Zerto’s Virtual Replication

September 19, 2016

On Alton Brown’s cooking show, he used to abhor a unitasker – a tool used for only one thing. They clutter the cabinets and are useful only in the rare instance that you need to slice an egg or store half an onion. Similarly, a unitasking product in tech is annoying. They clutter your IT […]

DR 101: 7 Elements Every Disaster Recovery Plan Should Have

DR 101: 7 Elements Every Disaster Recovery Plan Should Have

August 10, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes

By Keith Taylor, Technology Evangelist at Zerto Your disaster recovery plan consists of more than just how you’re going to recover your systems and applications. All too often, it can be easy to overlook these seemingly less significant preparations as the focus tends to be on ensuring there is a solution, or combination of solutions, […]

DR 101: The Myth of 0 Data Loss

DR 101: The Myth of 0 Data Loss

August 4, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 8 minutes

By Joshua Stenhouse, Technology Evangelist at Zerto When using synchronous replication, a Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of zero only applies to disk writes and only if the disaster requires recovery to the most recent point in time. An RPO of zero on disk writes does not capture any transactions in-flight such as those in the memory of […]

DR 101: Top Questions To Consider When Picking a DRaaS Provider

DR 101: Top Questions To Consider When Picking a DRaaS Provider

July 28, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Harry Smith, Technology Evangelist at Zerto DRaaS – Disaster Recovery as a Service – is a pretty well-known term in the industry now, but do you know how to get started leveraging it? Let’s discuss some of the common questions in regards to DRaaS, as well the differences between managed and public cloud options. […]

The Most Underplayed Healthcare IT Must-Have: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

The Most Underplayed Healthcare IT Must-Have: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

July 12, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

How Two Days of Paper Record-Keeping Was Enough to Drive a Community Hospital to Search for a Better Business Continuity Solution  By Rob Strechay, Vice President of Product, Zerto Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) strategy is often little thought of until a forcing function—be it natural or man-made—puts a renewed focus on this mission-critical […]

Point in Time Recovery: Journal vs Snapshots

Point in Time Recovery: Journal vs Snapshots

July 2, 2016

When evaluating different BC/DR solutions one important feature that users often look for is point in time recovery. The ability to recover to previous points in time is crucial in being able to recover from not only data center-wide issues, such as power loss or hardware failure, but logical failures, such as a database corruption, […]

TierPoint and Zerto Discuss Software Defined DRaaS and Hybrid IT at ZertoCON

TierPoint and Zerto Discuss Software Defined DRaaS and Hybrid IT at ZertoCON

June 7, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 1 minutes

As we wake up from the hangover of #ZertoCON, we are thrilled at the amount of positive feedback we are seeing all over. Again we would like to thank all the speakers, sponsors, partners and participants that made the inaugural ZertoCON an event to remember. A lot of exciting things went on during the conference; […]

Are You SURE You are Covered Against Disaster

Are You SURE You are Covered Against Disaster

May 18, 2016

By Harry Smith III, Zerto – Technology Evangelist Are you sure you’re covered against a disaster? I know what you’re thinking….”I hear this all the time, and WE’VE been protected against a disaster for YEARS!” Well, I am glad you have taken steps towards trying to cover all your bases by putting some kind of […]

DR 101: Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) — Definition and Drivers (Updated June 2024)

DR 101: Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) — Definition and Drivers (Updated June 2024)

May 12, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 7 minutes

Overview In the event of a disaster that disrupts your business, the time it takes to recover your systems may be the difference between thousands or millions of dollars of lost revenue and productivity. In some cases, disruptions may even affect emergency services or utilities necessary for our health and well-being. Recovering quickly is crucial […]

Test or Test Not, There is No Try

Test or Test Not, There is No Try

May 4, 2016
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Keith Taylor, Zerto SDR Test your DR or Test Not, There is No Try… May the 4th be With You… In honor of this year’s Star Wars day, we thought we’d take a quick look at the importance of regularly testing your DR solution – just in case the empire does decide to strike […]

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