Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5: To the Cloud and Back Again…
With the eagerly anticipated release of Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 on August 22nd, it’s time to get all fired up! Why? The fantastic new features in this release are going to make true hybrid cloud resilience possible.
It’s the era of the cloud. If you weren’t already convinced that cloud-based infrastructures are the way of the future, check out these figures from McAfee’s Report, “Building Trust in a Cloudy Sky” –
“Hybrid cloud adoption grew 3x in the last year, increasing from 19% to 57% of organizations surveyed.”
“93% of organizations are currently using cloud services.”
“In 15 months, 80% of all IT budgets will be committed to cloud solutions.”
That first figure is a particularly enlightening one. Whereas previously, most organizations were interested in adopting solely public cloud models (51%), we now see businesses driving to hybrid cloud models instead.
So, what’s the reason for this? Two answers – flexibility and security. (What about resiliency?)
Technology and business best practices evolve so fast that putting all your eggs in one basket leaves you at significant risk of not being able to adapt and keep up with the progressive pace in future. Arguably the biggest problem with putting workloads into the public cloud historically was that once they’re there, that’s where they permanently reside. This lack of flexibility and options tended to dissuade higher levels of cloud adoption. However, a hybrid cloud approach empowers a selective distribution of workloads, giving more choice and flexibility to businesses. You’ll still need to pick and choose though – should that application really be tied to the cloud, or should you accept the costs and limitations of still running it on-premises?
As for security, the question has always been – how can I protect my workloads running in the cloud? With such wildly differing service levels for the protection of on-premises vs cloud-based workloads – and in some cases, no protection available at all – it’s no wonder that more sensitive and critical workloads are often kept on-premises. No matter how much you might want to take advantage of all that on-demand, pay-as-you-go capacity, if you can’t protect information in the cloud why would you put it there?
With the release of Zerto Virtual Replication (ZVR) 5.5, we’re going to flip all that on its head. Very, very soon, you’ll be able to realize the true and full potential of hybrid clouds with all the flexibility and security you’re used to having in your on-premises environment.
ZVR 5.5 brings true hybrid cloud resilience to the table – this is the solution you’ve been waiting for to shift your cloud strategy up a gear. On August 22nd, join us at VMworld or tune in to our keynote launch webinar to find out exactly how Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 is going to revolutionize your IT infrastructure… again…!!!