Welcome to Zerto Virtual Replication 6.5! - ZVR | Zerto

Welcome, Zerto Virtual Replication 6.5!

September 26, 2018
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

I can hardly believe it has already been 6 months since we released 6.0! But here we are announcing Zerto Virtual Replication 6.5. As with every other release, we have quite a few updates but to summarize here are the 4 key pillars for this release:

  • Accelerate Cloud
  • Foundations of Backup
  • Deeper Analytics
  • Platform Enhancements

Our development teams have done some impressive work in delivering many improvements, enhancements and new features to this release. I will only highlight a few of these accomplishments but please make sure you check out our “What’s New in Zerto 6.5” datasheet and the release notes if you want to learn about all the new goodness.

Accelerate Cloud

With this release we have added support for Azure Premium Managed disks when protecting or migrating to Microsoft Azure. This allows you run those more IO intensive applications in Azure. As always we have made it very easy for you to start using this new feature, simply select the disk type you want to use in your VPG settings and you are all set!

Foundation of Backup

In May we pre-announced Zerto 7 and shared our vision regarding the future of backup. With the release of version 6.5 we are already starting to deliver on this vision! In this release we introduce the foundation of it by delivering a true scale out architecture for creating and recovering those long-term retention copies. The architecture utilizes our existing Virtual Replication Appliances and how they scale. And by utilizing the journal and change-block-tracking technology we also added to ability to only write the changes to the target repository adding support for incremental-forever copies.

Deeper Analytics

Zerto Analytics now allows our Enterprise Cloud Edition and Cloud Service Provider customers to get deeper insight into their environment by offering 90 days of analytics history. You can now also see journal-size, IOPS, throughput and WAN stats on a per-VM level adding more granularity to our analytics.

Cloud Service Providers can now utilize the UI to filter on specific ZORGs (tenants) enabling them to better report on customer SLA’s and statistics.

Don’t hesitate! Simply enable Zerto Analytics in your ZVM’s (top right “hamburger menu” -> about) and go into MyZerto to access it.

Platform Enhancements

One of the most frequently requested feature in Zerto has been delivered in 6.5; The ability to recover a single (or multiple) VM’s in an Virtual Protection Group. With our “Sub VPG Operations” feature we allow you to simply select VM’s in an existing VPG and offer you the ability to perform a failover, failover-test or offsite clone operation on just those VM’s. It couldn’t be easier!

Of course, we also automated the Reverse Protections of those VM’s in case you initiated a failover.

If you want to upgrade to version 6.5, login to myZerto and download your copy from “Support & Downloads”. To make it go as smoothly as possible please make sure you review the release notes and our latest Interoperability Matrix .