Why Continuous Backup Really Matters. The Memes Say It All!
And the winners are…
We set out on a journey to have a little fun with humor and see just how people feel about the shortcomings of traditional periodic backup versus modern continuous backup solutions like Zerto’s. We’re excited to announce the winners of our Backup Meme Contest hosted by Zerto!
In March of 2021, we called on the IT community to contribute their own memes around backup and recovery experiences. We hoped to both acknowledge the huge gap between the legacy backup solutions and business expectations for 24/7 uptime, and to celebrate the amazingly resilient backup admins and IT professionals tasked with this herculean task.
Thank you to everyone who submitted entries to the meme contest! We were impressed by the creativity, entertained by the humor, and commiserated with the many frustrations around inadequate backup expressed in the memes.
Check out the meme contest submissions here on this social wall. Click through to share, like, and comment on your favorites! We hope they will continue to provide an outlet for IT pros struggling with challenging backup solutions, while also introducing a better way to protect organizations from data loss and downtime – continuous data protection (CDP).
Without further ado, here’s our winners and some honorable mentions!
It was a struggle for us to pick winners from the pool of amazing meme submissions presented to us. When evaluating, we considered the total number of engagements, as well as number of memes shared by an author.
We want to recognize some other contest entries who deserve a shoutout and special recognition. In no particular order, here they are!