Ensure Business Continuity with a DR Plan - Zerto

Hurricane Preparedness: Ensuring Resilience of Your IT Infrastructure

September 18, 2017
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

In recent weeks, the US and Caribbean have been hit by what seems to be a never-ending barrage of storms during one of worst hurricane seasons in recent history. As Texas and Florida begin to assess the impact of the destruction caused by these devastating storms, those of us watching from other parts of the country have observed incredibly heartwarming examples of people helping each other, been moved by the dedication of first responders, and inspired by the resilient spirit of the people whose lives have been affected by the storm.

In the event of a Hurricane, ensuring the safety of people in the path of the storm is paramount.  Enacting measures to guarantee availability of the IT infrastructure relied on by first responders — like police and fire — is critical to help them assist in emergency situations during and after the Hurricane. Over 56,000 calls were made to the Houston 911 center in the first 15 hours following Hurricane Harvey1. Further, businesses need to consider the impact of storms on their IT infrastructure and the potential cost of downtime caused by a storm related outage. Having a sound DR plan in place can help businesses ensure the availability of critical systems, keep employees safe and informed, and recover quickly in the event of a Hurricane.

Watch our “Hear From Your Peers: Hurricane Preparedness for Businesses” webinar to learn from experts in disaster preparedness, like Marc Fernandez, IT Manager at the Red Cross, about ways you can ensure your data, organization, and people are protected when a Hurricane hits.

Some of the topics covered in this webinar include:

  • Employee safety and communication
  • Assessing data center preparedness – Are your systems ready to handle a disaster?
  • Developing a disaster recovery plan – What should you consider?
  • Testing a DR plan – How long does it take to deliver your plan? Does it meet the needs of your business?
  • Post impact recovery – Failing back to your primary data center and getting back to business as usual

Take action and show your support for the communities impacted by Irma and Harvey by donating to Zerto’s relief fund and we’ll match up to $50,000. Donate now!


Source: http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/27/us/harvey-impact-by-the-numbers-trnd/index.html