IT Resilience & Disaster Recovery Blog - Page 28 of 40 - Zerto


5 Steps to Include in Your Holiday IT Resilience Plan

5 Steps to Include in Your Holiday IT Resilience Plan

November 20, 2017

Happy Holidays and welcome to the season of giving! The official start of the holiday buying season is upon us as retailers start and sustain their frenzied rush to get their products out the door and into the hands of the consumer. In the past, this is where many online and brick and mortar retailers […]

The Bald Truth: Digital Transformation

The Bald Truth: Digital Transformation

November 15, 2017

Digital Transformation and the changes your organization encounters today have surfaced through multiple areas, including people (your customers), technology, and ecosystems. Your organization is going through some challenges to meet these demands and keep up with the ever-changing competitive landscape. It’s time to gain a better understanding of these changes and what they mean to […]

High Profile Government Outage Raises Complex Questions For All of Us

High Profile Government Outage Raises Complex Questions For All of Us

November 8, 2017

Following a series of very high-profile downtime incidents at the Australian Tax Office (ATO) the Australian Senate has requested the ATO provides a full list of every outage over the last 18 months. The ATO rightfully pointed out that a request on outages is not as straight forward as it sounds, stating “It’s important to […]

Customer Comparison: Zerto’s Virtual Replication & VMware SRM

Customer Comparison: Zerto’s Virtual Replication & VMware SRM

November 3, 2017

Great and extremely detailed product comparison on Zerto and SRM by existing Zerto customer, Gene Torres. Gene takes you through everything you need to know about these 2 products in his search for the right BCDR platform that meets his requirements and fits his use cases. Going from implementation to protection, discussing the following topics […]

Disasters to Scare the IT Out of You!

Disasters to Scare the IT Out of You!

October 31, 2017

“The day began like any other Monday morning – that’s when the phone rang…One of the traders couldn’t access a file that was critical for trading.  Assuming it was nothing out of the ordinary, I began work to try and restore the file.   It was then that I noticed the Ransomware infection.  I stared in […]

The Bald Truth: RPO/RTO (Recovery Time Objective/ Recovery Point Objective)

The Bald Truth: RPO/RTO (Recovery Time Objective/ Recovery Point Objective)

October 24, 2017

Whether you’re in the IT industry or not, you’ve either barely heard the term RPO/RTO or you have heard it and think you know what it means to you. We here at Zerto wanted to make sure you understood our stance on this dire topic in order to ensure you leave here informed, educated, and […]

An Introduction to “The Bald Truth” – Informative Whiteboard Videos

An Introduction to “The Bald Truth” – Informative Whiteboard Videos

October 9, 2017

“Why is everyone so focused on the cloud?” “How can I get rid of my datacenter?” “What the heck is RPO!?” These are all questions that I have heard at IT conferences in recent months.  And people have reason to ask them – IT is evolving rapidly and it’s tough to keep up with it. […]

Data Loss: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away – A Recap of ZertoCON Local London

Data Loss: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away – A Recap of ZertoCON Local London

October 6, 2017

Last week, the iland UK team were at ZertoCon Local in London. It was a great opportunity to catch up with the Zerto team as well as customers and other partners. The event also provided some important insights into the growing importance of cloud-based disaster recovery solutions for customers across many industries. The common themes […]

Driving Enterprise Resilience at Microsoft Ignite 2017

Driving Enterprise Resilience at Microsoft Ignite 2017

October 3, 2017

One week, 26,000 attendees, hundreds of new faces, long days and even longer nights.  No, I’m not talking about your freshman orientation week.  I’m talking about last week’s Microsoft Ignite conference in beautiful Orlando, Florida.  Last week, Zerto was at Ignite showcasing our award-winning IT Resilience technology, Zerto Virtual Replication (ZVR).  We were especially excited for this year’s conference […]

Migrations to the Cloud in Minutes with Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5

Migrations to the Cloud in Minutes with Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5

October 2, 2017

So you want to migrate to the cloud? There is no time better than now to give it a try and see what all the buzz is about. Thankfully, rest easy with Zerto Virtual Replication 5.5 (ZVR) in your back pocket because not only can you cross-replicate between hypervisors, versions, and platforms but you can […]

The Best of VMworld Europe 2017 User Awards – “Best Data Security & Data Protection Project”

The Best of VMworld Europe 2017 User Awards – “Best Data Security & Data Protection Project”

September 27, 2017

With all the excitement of VMworld once again wrapped up for the year, we wanted to take a moment to look at a particular highlight from the event in Barcelona – the “Best of VMworld Europe User Awards”. This year, we are proud to say that the award for “Best Data Security & Data Protection […]

Zerto Goes to Public Cloud and Back at Microsoft Ignite

Zerto Goes to Public Cloud and Back at Microsoft Ignite

September 21, 2017

You smell that? No, it’s not crab cakes and football. It’s National Trade Show season! Zerto is continuing the tour and heading to Microsoft Ignite to showcase our industry-leading IT resilience technology. Ignite attendees should be particularly excited with the latest release of Zerto, which features automated failover to and from Microsoft Azure. Enterprises are […]

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