Export list of unprotected VMs

  • Hi I am trying to export a list of unprotected VMs.
    I can see the list when you goto add a new VPG, and you put in a name, the next screen where you select the VM, shows all unprotected, I have over 200, and need to review the list. trying to select and copy the text does not work. is there any way of exporting this list via command line, or some script you can send me.

    Hey there,

    To get a list of unprotected VMs, you may want to look into using the Zerto APIs. The Resource Report or Volumes APIs may be most useful out of them.


    Alternatively, if you can get a full list of APIs, you could export your VPG list, which will have all of your VMs listed with them, and compare the two lists with Excel. There is a built in system to detect duplicates.

    I know this is an old post, but it is the first one that comes up in a search. This is easy in newer versions of Zerto, we are on 8.5, I don’t know when it started.

    Go into analytics.
    Select VMs
    Click on the unprotected VMs tab.
    Hit the download button. You get a csv of all unprotected VMs.

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