• This topic has 10 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated August 17, 2020 by Robert H.

Microsoft VMM 2019 Support

  • Anyone integrate with VMM 2019 yet?  I can’t see it on the support matrix and we had rolled it out right before we bought Zerto.  Did 7.5 add support?  I was told that the SLA states 90 days until supported and VMM 2019 has been out for nearly six months.

    We are working on supporting SCVMM 2019.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Platform Product Manager

    I am going to resurrect this thread, but any news on the SCVMM 2019 support?  My sales team said it would be November, but nothing official has been released confirming that.

    Hi Travis,

    We have identified additional changes needed to support SCVMM 2019.  Your Zerto account team can continue to keep you updated.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Product Manager



    Any news? its end of November, is there already support for SCVMM2019?

    We don’t support SCVMM 2019 yet and we are working on code changes to support it.  You can get additional information from your Zerto account team.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Product Manager

    It is now end of January and still no response regarding support for SCVMM 2019


    Are you not interested in supporting it?

    We are testing code changes to support SCVMM/Hyper-V 2019 and plan to support this in our next release.  Please contact your Zerto account team for additional information.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Product Manager

    FYI – Zerto 8.0 supports Microsoft SCVMM 2019 and Hyper-V 2019.

    Where can I find the release notes of Zerto 8.0?


    According to ReleaseNotesforZerto8.0U2-Rev07


    on page 17

    SCVMM 2019 and Hyper-V 2019 are now supported




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