• This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated October 1, 2019 by Clarke A.

Chaning host in the recovery site that handles rep

  • What happens to a modified VPG if we were to change the ESX host in the recovery site that handles replicated data to a different host?

    Hello Or,

    You can do this through the Zerto GUI.  If you know the hosts/VRAs that the VPG is using you can go to recovery site GUI and click on Setup to see the list of VRAs.  Check the box next to the VRA and in the upper right hand side you will see a More option – click on it.  Select Change VM Recovery VRA.  This will allow you to move the recovery workload off of that host/VRA to another available host/VRA.  I am also including a link on putting a host into host maintenance that will help avoid replication issues.

    How to Perform Host Maintenance Without Affecting Replication

    Thanks for the link Aaron –  The link mentions 2.0 Update 4 and greater so I’m assuming this also applies to customers that are currently on Version 7.0 Update 2?

    Hi Clarke,


    Yes this applies to customers that are currently on Version 7.0 Update 2.

    Thank you Iris.

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