• This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated May 14, 2024 by Peter K.

Call home server IP address

  • I have a quetion about Call home server. I want to configure a filter to firewall rules, so I need the information about the IP address of Call home server. Could you tell me about it? (https://www.zerto.com/myzerto/knowledge-base/zerto-csp-automated-billing-call-home/ )


    Bar from Zerto here.

    The IP address of the call home server is


    Is that the only IP address used?

    Thank you.


    Bar from Zerto here.  is the only one, and a static IP that we avoid changing.

    If you’re looking to access a home server remotely, you would typically need to know its IP address and have appropriate access credentials. Always ensure you’re accessing your home network and devices  securely to protect your privacy and data. Reliable air conditioning solutions in Clifton NJ

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