• This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated October 30, 2022 by cchacon@gbm.net.

Feature Request Post

  • <div class=”gmail_default”>Hi guys
    really amazing product we have been using for about 1 year and 2 months and zero complaints BTW support at least for me rocks 🙂

    I don’t know if there is a post like this but here it goes

    my feature request are:

    1. 3 Three Way Replication in can be 2 scenarios

    VM1 located in Datacenter 1 (DC1) needs to be replicated to DC2 and after being replicated to DC2 the replica goes to DC3, let’s say chain replication

    VM1 (DC1) -> DC2 -> DC3

    or this second scenario
    VM1 located in DC1 replicates to DC2
    VM1 located in DC1 replicates to DC3

    I think scenario two is easier… anyway I am the one programming this stuff just saying

    This is because some customer want their VM replicated to more than one site or DC

    2. Set bandwidth limit per VPG or groups of VPGs which belong to the same customer

    this is for intradatacenter replication since we have 7 Datacenters and customers want to replicate their current VMs but our customers buy different speed links, I mean we have a 100MB link but

    Replication scenario current for DC1 and DC2

    Customer A replicates 3 VMs and to meet SLA 10MB is needed so they are paying for those 10MB
    Customer B repicates 10 VMs and to meet SLA 25MB is needed so they are paying for those 25MB
    Customer C replicates 20 VMs and to meet SLA 60MB is needed so they are paying for those 60MB

    of course if Customer A adds 7 more VMs and the Zerto Calculator says now 25MB is needed customer will need to pay for those 25 MB…

    so we have 100MB link between DC1 and DC2
    but we need like a VPG bandwidth limitator per VPG or group of VPGs since we want for each customer to use the bandwidth they paid for

    I hope I explained myself (english is not my native language)

    thanks a lot</div>


    Hey Carlos,

    Thanks for your feedback. I have good news! One of your feature requests has always been in ZVR and the other is coming in 5.0.

    To be more precise, 5.0 will include One-To-Many replication which simply allows a VM to be placed in multiple VPGs. This then allows your use case of a VM in DC1 being simultaneously able to replicate to DC2 and DC3, you could even have a local copy in DC1 for direct restores to production!

    As for the ability to limit bandwidth per VPG this can be done using the priority feature. With the priority High, Medium or Low automatic QOS is applied to the replication traffic if the link between the sites becomes contended. You could then offer different tiers of service to your customers each with different SLAs. Zerto will then maximize the throughput, minimize the RPO and automatically manage the QOS of the replication traffic streams based on the setting of each VPG without having to manually configure hard limits. Thanks,



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