• This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated March 12, 2021 by Kalsang D.

Fail over test Centos 7 VM wont properly boot

  • Good day everyone !
    Hyper-V to VMware cross replication Failover Test failed
    Zerto version: 7.5 U4 patch 1 build 075416018
    VM source: Centos 7 (Hyper-V)
    VM test recovery: Centos 7 but guest OS show oracle linux I changed it to centos 7 same error (vmware)

    it wont boot and it come to Dracut emergency Shell.
    Here’s what I see in test recory VM:

    dracut-initqueue: warning: dracut initqueue timeout – starting timeout script

    dracut-initqueue: warning: could not boot.

    dracut-initqueue: warning:/dev/cl/root does not exist

    dracut-initqueue: warning:/dev/cl/swap does not exist

    dracut-initqueue: warning:/dev/mapper/cl-root does not exist

    starting dracut emergency shell ….

    warning:/dev/cl/root does not exist

    warning:/dev/cl/swap does not exist

    warning:/dev/mapper/cl-root does not exist

    generating “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt”

    entering Emergency mode. exit the shell to continue

    type “journalctl’ to view system logs


    Any recommendation ? …
    thanks !




    This is Kalsang from Zerto.

    Are you sure the guest OS is not oracle linux? If yes, I suggest opening a support ticket for it.

    Best regards,

    Hi simon,

    I have same issue in ZVR 7.0.

    This KB is helpful for me, perhaps for you.

    Problem with CentOS/RHEL 7 Recovery VM Booting into Emergency Mode – MyZerto


    Please try the Naoki KB and see if it helps but If not please feel free to open a support ticket.

    Best regards,

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