• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated February 19, 2021 by Kalsang D.

Preseeded disks

  • If I  delete a VPG and leave the preseeded disk at the recovery site and then after an export and import does it automatically see and associate the preseeded disk(s) and will only do a delta sync after the VPG is created?

    Part II

    Is the above any different than recreating a VPG and selecting the preseeded disk(s)? Is there an easier way to correlate it between Zerto and VMware? I had to expand and search in Zerto to find the correct disk. Don’t know if there is a shorter way to search. Thanks.


    This is Kalsang form Zerto.

    You would have to run the export file on Zerto diagnostic tools and save the export of VPGs from the ZVM UI before you delete the VPgs. Once you do that, use the import, and Zerto automatically sees the preseed disk and restores it. The VPG should go in delta sync after it completes successfully.

    If the automatic works then you would not need to perform your II part at all. But your II part is applicable only when the automatic preseeding doesn’t work in some situations.

    Best regards,


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