• This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated June 15, 2016 by Shannon S.

VCD 8.10

  • Hi there,

    Now that vCloud Director 8.10 is released:

    Could you please advise when next incremental release of Zerto 4.5 with VCD 8.10 support will be available ?



    Any update on this? – we are currently looking into the dependencies of upgrading to vCD 8.1 and this is a vital piece of info

    Just a guy doing backups and DR in Dublin, Ireland :)

    Hey there. Is there any word on this?

    Can we can some indication of when official supportability will be reached?

    If it’s a while away, could we also get some guidance around what will/will not work if we upgrade to vCD 8.10



    We are still testing it in QA and expect it to be in an update to 4.5 which is generally sometime about 90 days from the GA of updates from VMware’s update. If you have an urgent need, we recommend you contact Support.

    Senior Technical Architect at Zerto

    Hey there thanks for that…that’s a long time 🙂

    Out of interest is 8.0.x supported?

    I’ll touch base with support and find out what could go wrong if 8.10 is deployed.


    As of 4.5 U1 vCD 8.0.1 is supported. Here is the ZVR interoperability matrix.


    Senior Technical Architect at Zerto

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