• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated March 12, 2021 by Kalsang D.

Zerto Replication

  • Hello Folks;

    I haveĀ  A question about Zerto Replication Process :

    1. during the Live Failover the VM Keep the Same Adresse IP ?
    2. if I have licences Softwares installed on First DC VMs, during the Failover do I need new Licence or the Licences of the source VMs are replicated ? in other terms How Zero Manage/ replicate VM which contain Licence Softwares


    You would need to assign a static /dhcp in the NIC tab under the VPG configuration. Let’s say your source and DR are on the same vLAN and If you choose to assign the same VM IP then you would need to shut down the source VM while failover as there’ll be an IP conflict.

    We don’t really care about what’s inside the VM unless the VM (application is unsupported) as we use the journaling concept while failover. Below are the best practices KB for failing over ADDC.

    Best practices for Active Directory Domain Controller availability

    Best regards,

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