• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated April 9, 2021 by Kalsang D.

Change VRA Recovery btwn ESX w/ local disk

  • The destination ESX hosts are using local SSD disk (no SAN). Is it possible to change VRA Recovery from ESX1 to ESX2; again local disk is the only thing available.
    ** I believe the manual says the datastore needs to be accessible from both hosts… In my case, that is clearly not the case.
    Note: VMotion of both CPU & storage works fine, if we can somehow leverage it.


    This is Kalsang from Zerto.

    Zerto is a storage agnostic application but in order to achieve the feature of change VRA Recovery from ESX1 to ESX2. The datastores have to have access to or from both sides.

    If not it would clearly throw an error that you can’t move the VM to the other hosts since the recovery datastore isn’t accessible.

    Best regards,

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