• This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated May 25, 2021 by Kalsang D.

Changing recovery point in time on single VM from

  • Hello,


    If I have a VPG containing 5 VM and perform a test recovery with the latest time stamp, is it possible to re-test just a single VM using different Point in Time without stopping the entire test for the whole VPG?

    Or the only way is to stop the test and repeat it (choosing desired point in time) for the whole VPG?


    This is Kalsang from Zerto.

    You can’t re-test an individual VM while it’s already in the Failover test operation.

    But you can select an individual VM from a VPG to run the test and select the required checkpoints.

    I hope that helps.

    Best regards,

    Thanks, Kalsang. That explains my concerns.

    Do you know if such functionality is being considered on the Zerto roadmap?

    I don’t recall on top of my head but you may submit a feature request.

    That’s a very good feature to have!

    Please feel free to open a Feature request through the MyZerto portal, there is anĀ  ‘Aha!’ option.

    This allows you to file and track a feature request. I would highly suggest the ‘Aha!’ feature request approach to request this functionality.

    Best regards,

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