• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated August 4, 2021 by Mark B.

Increasing the size of a VPG Journal

  • This is probably a stupid question, so forgive me in advance. I have tried to search for this topic and have not come up with anything that tells me how I am supposed to increase the size of a journal associated with an existing VPG/containing VM’s.  I have gone into the VPG setup and increased the max size of journal and it tells me it will be applicable to any new VM’s added to the VPG.  I need this to apply to the existing VM’s in the VPG.  How to I accomplish this?

    Edit the VPG, go to Replication, click on ‘VM Settings’, you should then be able to change journal settings for individual VMs within the VPG.

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