The support process

  • This is general feedback here and I hope folks at Zerto take the time to consider this carefully.

    We are a service provider in the US. Our clients are busy and so is our support staff.

    I understand you want separate cases for differing issues. Like if we have a problem VPG that is fixed in one DC, we shouldn’t reply to the case asking for help with reconfiguring an SSL on ZVM in the same or different DC. I get it.

    But it seems Support is looking at very connected and related issues but differing status messages on the VPGs and refusing to go further. For example, a customer had a sideways upgrade. Multiple VPG were broken. Some stuck in bitmap syncing, some “needs configuration”.

    Case opened, logs collected. L1 support goes over everything with our support. Then another call with the client and us. But will only look at “bitmap syncing” stuck VPGs.

    So now we have to open a new incident for “needs configuration” but that was at the end of the day so we now have someone in Europe with availability in the middle of the night for us. Even when it gets escalated to the same region, that person will want to go over the same checklist of validating 50 different things on both sides with the client.

    This is just very Kafka-esque. When an upgrade goes sideways and breaks everything in the future, I’m just gong to open a SEV-1 and demand we get one person that look at the entire picture and reduce by hours the time spent on the back and forth and overlap everywhere.

    I urge Zerto to reconsider what they define as different issues. As a service provider we run into this and it makes us and you look bad to the clients.

    Hello Nick,

    My name is Ofri, I’m from the Zerto support management team.

    Can you please send me your contact details to so we can discuss this further?

    Thank you.

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