• This topic has 11 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated March 17, 2022 by Ilario Luigi B.

Zerto 9 support ESX 70 update 3

  • Installed ESX 70 update 3 end november 2021.

    When is support for Zerto 9 due?

    From another case I had: “Zerto will support new platforms, management tools, and hosts listed in this document within 90 days of the general availability of a new platform release.”

    I believe U3 release was Oct 5, so given 90 days, I think this should be Jan 3 (ie today) but don’t see anything available yet.

    Thanks John, patiently waiting.

    Hello Peter,

    Ben from Zerto support here.

    Given that VMware has pulled ESXi 7.0U3 from their download site due to critical issues it is currently not supported.
    More information in VMware’s documentation: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/86398

    We currently await the release of ESXi 7.0U3 by VMware.
    Zerto will support new platforms, management tools, and hosts within 90 days of availability for the Zerto Virtual Replication releases that are in the General Support Phase.

    Please review our interoperability matrix for more information on supported versions:

    Thank you and have a great day



    Thank you Ben. We’ll drop our 7.0.3 installs.

    VMware has released ESXi 7u3 and OEM vendors like Dell have released these as well. Please escalate the release of an updated version of Zerto.



    esxi 7.0.3 update 3c released jan 27th, most of the vendor(nec,cisco,hpe,inspur,dellemc) released their update belongs to this relase.

    Why their is no estimated date or ny information about progress for zerto ?


    Dear Zerto,

    internett.de is waiting for supportive Release too. We understand your 90 days policy – but can you please give some information, what the big problem could be. Initial release 7.0.3 was last year – a long time ago – you had a lot of time to play around with “u3”-Specialthings.

    Looking forward to hearing some details


    Why is it taking so long? We had to upgrade to fix an issue with our storage and now I’m not able to replicate to our DR site.

    I was told in a support case that we might have an update on 03/11, is this still on track? Under the gun to preform DR testing.

    Do we have any prevision on when it can be released?

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