• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated December 20, 2023 by gordon_virasawmi@mt-pharma-us.com.

Win 2022 Datacenter Eval Install Fail

  • I’m on the demo license.

    I stood up a Win 2022 VHD in HyperV 2012R2. Joined the domain, patched, account permissions prepped.  This is a separate VM from SCVMM.

    Ran the Zerto ZVR Installer. Works. SCVMM works.


    The Zerto Replication Service will not run. Even going into services, it’s not running after a stop/start/restart.

    Anyone else running into this? I’m standing up a 2012R2 VM to try the same thing.

    I may be misinterpreting but Microsoft only supports Server 2016 on 2012R2 Hyper-V. We run Server 2016 and 2019 is supported, 2022 isn’t.


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