• This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated June 8, 2024 by Peter K.

Moving vm’s to new vCenter

  • Hi Team, one of our customers have had a new vCenter built with all its hosts (DHCI) we are planning to move the VM’s using cross vcenter migration, what are the steps required for Zerto, this is on the source site, the destination is staying the same for now. Is there any specific documentation we can supply the customer with. Any Thoughts / suggestions. -Thanks for any assistance

    ZVM pairs to a single vCenter server. if you vmotion your vms to a different vcenter zerto will no longer see them.

    You will need to install a new ZVMA against the new vcenter server at each site and recreate the VPGs after the vmotion.

    Moving virtual machines (VMs) to a new vCenter involves several steps, including exporting VM configurations, migrating VM files, and registering VMs on the new vCenter server. Ensure compatibility between the source and destination vCenter versions to prevent compatibility issues. Plan and execute the migration carefully to minimize downtime and ensure data integrity. resolve the issue

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