• This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated February 26, 2021 by Raffaello P.

Subnet Best Practice for Service Providers

  • Can anyone give some advise as to the best practice for subnets/ip’s of the VRAs, ZVM and ZCM in relation to vSphere subnets?


    1.Should the VRAs be on the same subnet as the ESXi host management?

    2. Should the VRA’s be on the same subnet as the ZVM ?

    3. Should the ZVM be on the same subnet as the ZCM?


    I was thinking of creating a new subnet that will house the ZVM and the ZRA.  That way all the cloud connectors uplink and ZVM, ZRA are non routed.  But I wasn’t sure if that a best practice or not.



    Hey Matt,

    Here are my recommendations:

    1.Should the VRAs be on the same subnet as the ESXi host management?
    They don’t have to be. The VRAs need to communicate with the ZCC and all the other VRAs in the paired sites. If you have an ESXi host management network that would allow this and it makes most sense to place the VRAs on it then you can do it. However most people have a separate replication network for the VRAs.

    2. Should the VRA’s be on the same subnet as the ZVM ?
    The ZVM needs to have 1 NIC that is on the same subnet of the VRAs, but the ZVM also needs to communicate with the vCenter and ESXi hosts. If this means that the ZVM is dual homed then that is supported and is recommended in a cloud provider installation.

    3. Should the ZVM be on the same subnet as the ZCM?
    Yes, the ZVM and ZCM should be on the same subnet and able to communicate.

    Any further questions let me know. Thanks,



    When I configure “DRaaS”, I have created a “zerto replication network” that communicates the “zvm” with the different “vra” within the same “vCenter”, does the “zcm” also have to be in that “zerto replication network” for Communicate with the “zvm” or can I use another network to communicate these two elements?

    Hi Jose, sorry but:

    3. Should the ZVM be on the same subnet as the ZCM?
    Yes, the ZVM and ZCM should be on the same subnet and able to communicate ,

    DID YOU MEAN: for ZVM that is installed in DR SITE (cloud Site for DRaaS) of course ?

    and again

    ZCM would not have to be on that replication network if you have another network. ZCM needs only to communicate with ZVM

    DID YOU MEAN: for ZVM that is installed in PRODUCTION SITE of a CUSTOMER (cloud Site for DRaaS) , ZVM production site every Customer , need to CONTACT ZCM that is installed on CLOUD SITE (need I to make static route between every ZVM’s on production sites and single ZCM on Cloud-DR sites?) of course ?


    Thank you





    Sezione Informatica e Tecnica

    Hello Forum,

    I’m picking up this discussion to ask a CSP configuration that could suite best for us. We’ve internal VLANs, that cannot be routed because just routed inside, no access to DMZ, and VXLANs that of course, can be routed. Furthermore, we’ve t sites that I’d like to communicate internally. Lastly, customers that use ZCC and so they must have an internet connection, of course also ZSSP connection.

    I’m loosing among these VLANs/VXLANs….

    Thank you for your advises.



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