• This topic has 13 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated March 8, 2018 by Nick S.

MSI Error Code

  • Hi… I’m doing the zerto installation. But, in the end of the installation I have a error message “MSI error code : -2147023293”

    I try to search in google, but have not found anything to solved my problem.

    Does anyone have the same experience? … or anyone can help provide solutions?

    Thank’s before


    Please perform the following to remedy this issue:

    1. Navigate to %windir%\\Installer
    2. Within this folder, you will see a bunch of MSI files with random names. Locate the MSI of ZVM by checking the details in the properties of the MSI file.
    For 4.5u3 – The size of the MSI should be 14,959KB
    3. Download the following MSI file: https://zerto.box.com/s/xauxbgv7fdrjkojzmxkc6fogqvnw0y2n
    4. Rename the downloaded MSI to have the same name of the MSI found in step #2.
    5. Replace the MSI in the %windir%\\Installer folder with the customized MSI you’ve just renamed.
    6. Run ZVR 5.0 upgrade.

    Gal Oz
    Zerto Support


    Hi Deni P,

    Could you please open a support ticket for this? We have seen this just a couple of times, and there are possibly a couple of changes you can make on your machine to resolve this.

    Thank you,


    Follow me: www.twitter.com/HarrySiii

    We had the same error and contacted Zerto Support with the followin reply. This worked for us.

    1. Navigate to %windir%\\Installer

    2. Within this folder, you will see a bunch of MSI files with random names. Locate the MSI of ZVM by checking the details in the properties of the MSI file.

    For 4.5u3 – The size of the MSI should be 14,959KB 3. Download the following MSI file: https://zerto.box.com/s/xauxbgv7fdrjkojzmxkc6fogqvnw0y2n

    4. Rename the downloaded MSI to have the same name of the MSI found in step #2.

    5. Replace the MSI in the %windir%\\Installer folder with the customized MSI you’ve just renamed.

    6. Run ZVR 5.0 upgrade.


    Please note that this solution applies when upgrading from 4.5u3 to 5.0u1 – for other versions please contact support and we will provide with different instructions.


    One fix to this issue that I’ve seen and validated is when you are installing or upgrading:

    On the “Windows Service User” page of the wizard, when you enter the account name, don’t use this format: account@domain.com.  Instead, use domain\account.   I got stumped by this early on with my first upgrade from 4.5 to 5.0 and then on a fresh install of 5.0U1.  It was just luck that I found the problem I was having.  I hope this is helpful for others.  🙂

    IT Professional with focus on VMware Virtualization and BCDR solutions.

    Gene T‘s solution worked for a recent customer of mine as well.

    IT Systems Engineer | VMware | SharePoint | Zerto

    Thank’s All for your attention, I already closed this issue with following answer from Gal O 🙂


    Thanks for the update, Deni!

    Thanks Gal and everyone else for the helpful replies! I’m glad we were able to capture this here. 🙂

    ~Harry @HarrySiii

    Follow me: www.twitter.com/HarrySiii

    Same error with update 5.0 to

    “MSI error code : -2147023293”

    Does the solution from Torben J work with this new version?





    This worked from 5.0 Update 1 to 5.2 Update 1

    Here is the flow of actions you should follow for resolution:

    1. Navigate to %windir%\Installer on the ZVM VM.
    3. Within this folder, you will see a bunch of MSI files with random names.
    locate the MSI of ZVM by checking the details in the properties of the MSI file.
    For 5.0 – The size of the MSI should be 20,196KB 4. Download the following MSI file: https://zerto.box.com/s/9vr1wxwsnw5useg3xb3rqs7urrvvafqf
    5. Rename the downloaded MSI to have the same name of the ZVM MSI found in step #3.
    6. Replace the MSI in the %windir%\Installer folder with the customized MSI you’ve just downloaded and renamed (save a Backup of the old MSI).
    7. Run ZVR installer


    Hi I have someone that is going from 4.0 and uninstalling to reach 5.0 on a reinstall.. I have the MSI error but I need to know which MSI to replace. There is no size described for the 4.0 version. Does someone have an answer?


    Hi Samantha,

    What MSI error did you hit and do you have the install logs?


    I had this same issue just now. I was low on disk space and freed up some GB and installer went fine. It then went on to calculate disk space requirements and passed through.


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