• This topic has 11 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated April 8, 2019 by Charles B.

Any experience with Nutanix Acropolis?

  • Could anyone share any experience with Nutanix Acropolis?

    Is Nutanix Acropolis compatible with Zerto?


    Thanks in advance.


    Hi Alvaro M,

    Zerto Virtual Replication is not currently compatible with Nutanix Acropolis.

    If you do have a specific need, please do feed us particular information around environment size, impact to you/your customers, etc so we can more accurately plan our product roadmap.




    Follow me: www.twitter.com/HarrySiii

    Has the status changed with AHV? What is Zerto’s plan to integrate with AHV?


    AHV is still on the roadmap, but I don’t know that it has been given an exact date yet.

    Generally, Zerto keeps an eye on the adoption rates of such technologies and if there is a need for our product in that market. So if you can share your use case, and some details about size we can use that to help align our road map.




    Since it has been almost a year without an update, I figured I’d ask. I am looking to replace my primary and secondary datacenter 3 tiered configuration with HCI, either VxRail or Nutanix. If I go with Nutanix, I could eliminate my vSphere licensing costs by using AHV. I currently have 69 VMs in my datacenter and replicating 28 VPGs to my DR site.


    We are considering support for Nutanix Acropolis on our roadmap.  Please be sure to vote for this feature request on MyZerto at https://www.zerto.com/myzerto/support/feature-requests/.  There is a feature for this with a few votes.  Your votes help us prioritize engineering on developing this.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Platform Product Manager


    Are there any timelines for incorporating Nutanix AHV support in Zerto ? Can Zerto provide any adhoc support for AHV migrations  to other platform.


    At this time we have AHV support in our backlog and we don’t have a timeline to share.  We aren’t compatible with AHV and don’t have a way to help migrating off of AHV to other platforms.

    It would be interesting to know why you want to migrate off of AHV to another platform.  Is it moving a workload from development to production?  We are evaluating the priority of supporting AHV against other feature requests and understanding use cases with AHV from customers is helpful.

    Amy Mitchell

    Zerto Platform Product Manager


    I can’t speak for the person you were asking the question to, but I can cite our specific need.

    We recently replaced our hosts and SAN at our secondary data center location with Nutanix. We were previously running a 99% VMware environment with interest in decreasing our annual licensing costs by switching to another hypervisor at our secondary site. This site houses our QA/UAT workloads as well as storage and compute capacity to run production replicated from our primary site. We were forced to implement Hyper-V on Nutanix given that we *really* like Zerto and needed a way to replicate from production VMware to something not VMware. We also needed to use it as a general migration tool to handle the conversion.

    I really didn’t want to use Hyper-V. I don’t feel like it’s capabilities or stability come close to VMware or AHV, but we didn’t have a choice. The second Zerto supports VMware/Hyper-V replication to AHV we are converting. By next year we will be implementing Nutanix AHV in production, and at that time if Zerto still doesn’t recognize AHV as a product we should support we’re going to need to investigate alternative solutions to your product. We really like Zerto, but we don’t like giving VMware money. Can that be a good reason?


    So for more than 2 years I have kept my eye on this subject. I would feel that it would be in your best interest to get Zerto supported with AHV. I am also thinking of getting a application that works with AHV replication and leaving Zerto. How long should your clients ask for AHV support but you are not doing anything about it.


    Time to move on guys.


    With the launch of Xi Leap, I wouldn’t be looking for Nutanix to support Zerto ever. I don’t see Nutanix spending money and resources to introduce competition to their Xi Leap offering. Xi Leap isn’t there yet for my use. 1 hour RPO, uses snapshots etc. and the only way to retain IPs in a failover is to failover the entire subnet. (otherwise IP conflicts) Zerto is a much better and mature product in my opinion.


    Zerto has said AHV is on the roadmap for several years. I don’t believe it will ever come to fruition. They’re leaving quite a bit of money on the table by ignoring it.


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