• This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated June 10, 2021 by Laszlo K.

Zerto Replication Manager NAT Support

  • Hello,

    Can you please briefly explain why Zerto does not support NAT and why is it something that you do not even have in the road map for future implementations. Knowing that you have big user base, I’m wondering why such a constraint…

    I’d like to forward your response to our security committee to justify the exception of allowing us to have pass-through VPN connection to the external DRaaS service provider(Using Zerto). Our internet connection is connected to central network which is being controlled by HQ with using multiple NAT in public network.

    Thank you

    Hi Jon,

    I have posed your question to the product and engineering teams internally.

    I or someone else will respond here as soon as we can!

    Thank you

    Hi Jon,

    This is the answer given to me:

    Zerto’s functionality is dependent on defining certain ports and NAT does not preserve those ports.

    In this light, NAT does not work with Zerto.

    If you need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out and I can connect you directly with someone else!

    Thank you

    Hello @Ryan S or anyone from Zerto,

    I understand that Zertos functionality is dependent on the port preservation.

    But what if we have a one-to-one IP NAT instead of a many(subnet)-to-one NAT?

    Could this one-to-one NAT work with preserving the source connection ports?

    Thanks for your quick feedback on this.

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