• This topic has 11 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated October 11, 2018 by Robert W.

Error installing VRA

  • hi guys

    has someone seen this error installing VRAs in Hyper-V 2012 R2

    “Failed to check if Hyper-V PS Module is installed on host” see link as well




    Hi Carlos,

    I would suggest opening a ticket with support so they can troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

    However, in the monitoring –> events details, you can view the failure reason and event ID which will also be a link; you can click this link to get more info and self-troubleshoot from the details in our docs.

    did it already but just wanted to know if someone else had this issue before



    still having the issue,  disable UAC, using local admin user, and not using EUFI

    has anyone experienced this?

    Hi Carlos, yes I’m also having this issue! Did you get this sorted in the end?

    not yet support gave me a list of thing to try since looks like Windows is the culprit

    Bruce ask for this case or I can send you what you need to check according with Zerto


    try the following: add your user to the administrators group, virtualization server manager group, and hyper-vadministrators group

    Hi Guys,

    Even i’m facing same issue. did anybody got the solutions?


    did anybody found solution / workaround for this problem? appreciated if you could share and suggest.


    I’m having the same issue. Did anyone get a solution?


    Wow…Zerto support Sucks…

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