• This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated May 24, 2019 by Ian V.

Protecting MS Exchange Server Best Practices?

  • Hi All,

    Does anyone have any best practices on protecting MS Exchange with no DAG. Do we need to install the Zerto VSS component inside the VM? Thank you.

    Is protecting Exchange (without DAG) actually supported?

    Hello, your questions were asked a few months ago but no answers were provided in this post.  Did you find any answers to these questions:

    • Does Zerto VSS Agent need to be installed to a standalone Exchange server?
    • Is protecting Exchange actually Supported?

    Thank you,


    Zerto’s VSS agent is installed on the Guest Operating system which needs VSS level protection.

    You then schedule (or run manually) the agent to run on a periodic basis… once a day, twice a day… the choice is yours. Keep in mind that all writes are paused when VSS runs, so user connections can be affected.

    There are other things to keep in mind, and that is that only 1 VM in a VPG can run the VSS agent.

    Our VSS agent only asks the registered VSS writers to do their thing when called. So if you have Exchange installed it should install its supported VSS writers into the OS and be ready to go.

    what about replicating a DAG member to AWS? the DAG members all have 2 Nics and Zerto appears to be only presenting 1 nic to the instance. while the OS boots networking never works. I’ve installed the ENA driver and the “Zerto Tools.bat -d”


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