• This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated October 12, 2018 by Martijn M.

Error installing VRA on Hyper-V 2016 (SCVMM 2016)

  • Hi all,

    I am doing a PoC VMware to Hyper-V.
    The installation of both the ZVM’s was no problems, also the VRA’s on VMware were running in no time.
    However, the vra installation on Hyper-v 2016 keeps failing.

    I see the VM being created, modified and then it is deleted and the install fails. Looks like the failure happens right after the network card is attached to the VM. I looked at the properties of the VM, the network config seems ok. I tried several networks, static and dhcp.
    I use the 6.0 U3 from Zerto and we are running SCVMM 2016 (1807) and Hyper-v 2016.

    Firewall is disabled in the Hyper-V server and SCVMM.
    The account used is a Domain admin.


    Hyper-v server – c$\ZertoAgent\ZVM\logs
    18-07-24 15:30:36.31,Error,1,reject connect to site 7cdab8bf-f44d-4c33-bc28-47f5e8501fcc (refused),
    18-07-24 15:32:04.19,Error,23,failed retrieving IpSettings for vm E9692A12-9CD8-46DF-AC04-8D8F04999811. unexpected error occured: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.,”System.NullReferenceException Void CollectVmIpSettings(System.Guid, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[System.Guid], Zerto.HyperVAgent.WmiWrapper.IWmiInstance, System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection1[Zerto.HyperVAgent.Requests.IpSettings]) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Zerto.HyperVAgent.Processors.GetVmsIpSettingsProcessor.CollectVmIpSettings(Guid requestId, IEnumerable1 requestVms, IWmiInstance vm, BlockingCollection1 totalIpSettings)”
    18-07-24 15:32:16.64,Error,14,process 10020 will close with run timeout 5000 msecs. ,
    18-07-24 15:32:16.64,Error,14,fail execute zclean. reason:force close due to timeout. (error=801),”Zerto.HyperVAgent.ProcessWrapperException Void ForceClose(System.Diagnostics.Process) Zerto.HyperVAgent.ProcessWrapperException: force close due to timeout. (error=801)
    at Zerto.HyperVAgent.Infra.ProcessWrapper.ForceClose(Process process)
    at Zerto.HyperVAgent.Infra.ProcessWrapper.DoRun(String exe, String commandLine, String workingDirectory, Int32 timeout)
    at Zerto.HyperVAgent.Infra.ProcessWrapper.Run(String exe, String commandLine, String workingDirectory, Int32 timeout)
    at Zerto.HyperVAgent.Processors.ZCleanProcessor.Execute(ZClean request)”
    18-07-24 15:47:21.69,Error,1,reject connect to site 7cdab8bf-f44d-4c33-bc28-47f5e8501fcc (refused),

    Event in ZVM:
    Vra installation host name=hvserver.domain.com. Failed: failed to install vra driver on host [Host 44a92cc3-b1d7-4266-841a-7e46ef227448, server f9d077de-e46e-501f-393c-761ff5269705]

    Any help would be great!

    Kind regards,

    I was looking at some more detail and saw in the interoperability matrix that secure boot is not supported on hosts running Windows 2016.
    We have secure boot enabled on the Hyper-V hosts, which I think is a good and common practice.
    Can this be the source of my problems?

    Kind regards,

    Guys, I have the exact same issue. Did you manage to get it sorted out?



    UEFI / secure boot is not supported by Zerto.

    Kind regards,


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