• Zerto as a CDP Solution from AWS to Azure

      Hello, Our Requirement is to setup Continuous Data Protection via from AWS to Azure using Zerto as a solution. In a real-time scenario can we  do this as a DR-Test activity one Zerto CDP has been established. We were quite new to this product and thinking to use it as a alternate of CloudEndure. Kindly […]

    • People: 1
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    • April 15, 2019
    • Failback from AWS to VMware

      virtual machine do not have vmware tools installed anymore after failover. is this required. because virtual machines are not booting anymore in VMware after failover

    • People: 1
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    • March 21, 2019
    • EBS Encryption at the point of failover

      we have a client that I am going to have to do a migration for. Currently, we have on-prem vmware environment with backend encryption storage at rest. Their requirement is that it be encrypted in AWS. Does Zerto have the ability to enforce encryption of all ebs volumes that are failed over at the point […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • November 2, 2018
    • How's Your Linux FOTs with AWS?

      Hello My Fellow Zerto-ites! I am checking with the community to see how your experience is with using Zerto with Linux (REHL 6 and 7). Were any of you able to successfully FOT a Linux system into AWS from your Hyper V/VMWare hypervisors? Were you able to successfully connect to the Linux  recovery testing instance […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • September 14, 2018
    • Who creates the buckets in S3?

      The S3 bucket is created during the ZCA installation by Zerto. We make sure that the bucket region is created in the same region as the ZCA instance region. There is one bucket per ZCA.

    • People: 2
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    • August 23, 2018
    • Multi AZ subnet support for zimport

      I am setting up machines with multi az Support and noticed that if i choose the zerto import option I can only choose one of my AZ zones (Subnets that are supported by zimport). I have the option to choose both of them with the AWS import method. Is this a limitation with zimport?

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • July 12, 2018
    • New API Methods with next Zerto Release?

      when using the “AWS Import” Method Zerto calls the ImportVolume Method. When using AWS command line tools it states that this Method is deprecated and might be removed in a future release. They also point to new API Methods, i.a. ImportSnapshot. From experience ImportSnapshot  seems much faster than “legacy” ImportVolume . Has Zerto looked into that or […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 3
    • April 5, 2018
    • Zerto replication to Dedicated Host

      Hey – How can I do a replication to Dedicated host? Looks like this should be quite simple to implement, but can’t find these options in UI. Also, I have a machine replicated with Zerto and created AMI from it. Then I try to create new EC2 instance on Dedicated host and getting an error. […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • October 2, 2017
    • AWS Zimporter version 5.5

      Is there any documentation/ how to guides for selecting the new Import methods? Also Zerto states that recovery times are faster than the standard AWS API – do you have any test results/data you can share showing the decrease in time? Thanks, Rakesh

    • People: 2
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    • August 10, 2017
    • Update VPG settings not applied on AWS

      Hello, I noticed when updating some of the VPG settings (e.g.: Security Group), although on Zerto it states the change has been made, when I run a failover test, the new security group is not applied; I do still have the old one. Why is that happening? I might understand I cannot change subnet (although […]

    • People: 2
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    • May 4, 2017
    • Failed to updating AWS settings

      Hello, I’m getting this error when trying to install Zerto Cloud Appliance: failed validating AWS access keys. Got exception: Failed to updating AWS settings. The AWS IAM user I’m using is an administrator, it has full access to the account. Thanks for your help.

    • People: 2
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    • August 10, 2015
    • AWS Native Export

      Interesting read here on native export limitations of AWS.  I wonder how much of this plays into utilizing Zerto (in the future) for the anti Hotel California effect and successfully exporting VMs from Amazon? http://scientifichooliganism.net/?p=190 You can only export Amazon Ec2 instances that have been imported. You cannot export Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • July 10, 2015
    • AWS Architecture

      Here is the ZVR to AWS architecture. It’s the familiar layout that we have on the Enterprise side.

    • People: 4
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    • May 29, 2015
    • What are the ZVR components in AWS?

      * Zerto Virtual Manager – Manages disaster recovery, business continuity and offsite backup functionality at the site level; plugs into the hypervisor manager *Zerto Virtual Replication Appliance – Replicates the VMs and virtual disks; one per host required * Zerto Backup Appliance – Manages offsite backup operations. Runs as a service within the ZVM at […]

    • People: 1
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    • April 30, 2015

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