• This forum has 433 topics, 802 replies, and was last updated July 3, 2024 by Michael M.
    • General Discussion
    • HTTPS SSL cert for the ZVM web app

      Hello. I’d like to install a valid HTTPS cert so that we don’t get the cert warning when using the ZVM web app. Do I simply follow the instructions shown on this page to replace the default cert on the ZVM? https://www.zerto.com/myzerto/knowledge-base/how-to-use-a-cer-ssl-certificate-to-replace-the-self-signed-certificate-for-the-zvm-zssp-or-zcm/ I’m not looking to change anything with regards to the certs being used […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • March 20, 2024
    • Hosts with Zerto BSOD after patching

      Our production and recovery Hyper-V hosts running Zerto produce a BSOD (rvdddk.sys) after applying MS patches. I evacuate the VRA, pause the node, shutdown the VRA, then apply MS patches. Patches install and server reboots correctly. Yet after enabling node, VRA is powered on and recovery repository is added back, encounter a BSOD: IRQL error […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • February 29, 2024
    • Linux ZVM and HA

      I have been searching through the Zerto site and cannot find out anything regarding if there is an HA option for the ZVM running on the Linux platform.  We currently are running on Windows with MSCS.  Once I get confirmation that there is HA protection, I think this would be the trigger to switch platforms. […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • February 13, 2024
    • Zerto Smartphone App

      It would be uber helpful if there was a smartphone app available to keep track of at least the zerto summary tab.  Any word if something like that is coming?

    • People: 9
      Replies: 14
    • January 23, 2024
    • VRA NTP setting – goes exterior

      I have several VRAs reaching out to the internet to an NTP server for time. What is strange is that not all of them are reaching out. Is there a tweak or setting to set time internally?

    • People: 3
      Replies: 3
    • January 22, 2024
    • Exportable Report for VPG Last Test Date

      Is there a way to export a report from Zerto showing just the VPG, Peer Site, Protection Status, and Last Test information?  I would use this report to schedule our VPG Fail-over Bubble testing we do each month. Currently we have to manually go in and pull this information or wait for the VPGs to […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • December 19, 2023
    • Stuck at VPG State Instant VM Restore

      Iniciated restore of a single VM from VPG but now cannot do anything with restored VM nor Deleted nor Cancel restore from Zerto Console. How can I cancel this operation? A cannot do anything with VPG.

    • People: 3
      Replies: 4
    • November 28, 2023
    • StorageProfileMonitor Error

      Getting this repeatedly in ZVM logs for a multi tenant ZVM: ,E,2176,StorageProfileMonitor,CheckJournalOrScratchStoragePolicy,”Expecting exactly one pair, skipping violations tests for Scratch”, Is this an issue of concern?  What is the issue here?

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • November 20, 2023
    • Under Max License Limit Alert

      Does anyone know how to suppress the License Limit Warning? I am 7 under my Max limit and i am getting the License warning, was curious if i could suppress this or even if there is a known tweak for this.   thanks all !

    • People: 2
      Replies: 9
    • November 17, 2023
    • Unable to login using Windows account

      This is first time I am installing Zerto in our environment I am having issues with login in using windows account but otherwise Sql account works fine for External database. Does anybody have any insight on what i might be missing there ? Is there any document for connection string etc i can follow.

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • November 10, 2023
    • Access Zerto University on iPad

      Hello, I am trying to access the training on my iPad and when I do, it asks me for a Platform URL.  I enter zerto.docebosaas.com I then enter my credentials and it says wrong credentials provided.  I confirmed the exact same credentials work on a laptop or computer. Is there any other specific access I […]

    • People: 7
      Replies: 5
    • October 30, 2023
    • Zerto 10 u1 – vSphere Login

      Hi, On version 10 u1, is it still possible to login to the ZVMA GUI using local accounts from the vSphere Administrator group like previously done in older versions?   Sorry if i have missed this somewhere.   Thanks, James

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • October 10, 2023

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