• This forum has 433 topics, 802 replies, and was last updated July 3, 2024 by Michael M.
    • General Discussion
    • Change Recovery Storage Path

      Is there a way to have Zerto NOT use “ZertoRecoveryVMs” in the recovery storage path? C:\ClusterStorage\SANOLUME1\ZertoRecoveryVMs\SERVER1\SERVER1.vhdx I’d rather it just be: C:\ClusterStorage\SANOLUME1\SERVER1\SERVER1.vhdx  

    • People: 3
      Replies: 3
    • July 26, 2021
    • ZVM log file fields in CSV format

      The ZVM logs in a CSV format.  I’m looking to parse that log into fields to input into Logstash/Elasticsearch. Does anyone have a list of what the fields are?

    • People: 1
      Replies: 1
    • June 28, 2021
    • Meditech Migration to another geographic location

      We are migrating a Meditech EMR instance from a hospital to a central datacenter with a cutover date later this year.  I have Zerto VPG replication setup and everything is meeting RPO successfully.  The Site has now requested access to the new (replicated) Meditech stack to begin system testing and validation at the new location.  […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • June 28, 2021
    • VPG list

      Is the way to export VPG with all its settings in the properly formatted way? The Export in VPG tab generates VPGListReport.csv that is so badly formated that I would need to spend hours to get the information I need. Why that export is not listing VPG per line? So annoying.

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • June 9, 2021
    • JFLR – On Dedupped Volume

      Hi All, Hopefully a quick on here, relating to JFLR Limitations (Journal File Level Restore (JFLR) Known Limitations – MyZerto as seen in this article. I was looking to do a restore from a File Server on a customer site, simple enough but this failed with the “Unknown error. Please contact Zerto Support” After reviewing […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 1
    • June 7, 2021
    • MongoDB and PostGresSQL

      Hello,   I need your help with customer requests. I have a DR site for my client and he want to use a MongoBD/ PostGresSQL in the primary site. I need to know if Zerto is compatible with this two data bases replications and if i can give him guarantees and commitment for the recovery […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • May 27, 2021
    • VM replication to Oracle Cloud

      Hi, everyone. Can I use Zerto to replicate VM to Oracle Cloud? I know Zerto does not currently support Oracle Cloud as a platform. If vCenter and ESXi were created on Oracle cloud (as a DRaaS Cloud), can Zerto use replication for VMs? Thanks Regards

    • People: 1
      Replies: 1
    • May 26, 2021
    • Old Files

      I have two non-clustered hosts that had been used at one time for replication storage. One one host there is now no reference to it for storage and the only thing running on it is a VRA. There are over 1 Tb of of old files still there. Per their filenames they were previously used […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 3
    • May 22, 2021
    • Change Zerto Recovery Site (VPG)

      We are moving our VMs to a new vCenter and I know I will need to delete the VPGs and recreate them. I’ll be using pre-seeded disks but what I want to know is can I change the Default Recovery Site on an existing VM? I’m trying to find a way (if possible) to export […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • May 6, 2021
    • Backup of LTR data

      I need documentation or proof of some sort that restoration from a tape backup of an LTR repository is approved & will work. Yes, we will rely on the LTR repository machine for our long term storage. However, if there is a tape backup of the physical repository machine, can I restore that machine from […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • May 5, 2021

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