• This forum has 174 topics, 347 replies, and was last updated July 2, 2024 by Michael M.
    • Scripting and APIs
    • Powershell VPG mgmt has unexpected results

      First of all, this script doesn’t update $_.Recovery.DefaultFolderIdentifier like it was meant to. Second, it removes $_.Recovery.DefaultDatastoreIdentifier even if I try to put a value. Can anyone tell me what’s going on? $BaseURL = “https://zvm_ip:port/v1/” $VPGListUrl = $BaseURL+”vpgs” $VPGList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $VPGListUrl -Headers $ZertoSessionHeader -ContentType $TypeJSON $VPGIdentifier = $VPGList[0].VpgIdentifier $JSONIdentifier = @{VpgIdentifier […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • December 16, 2021
    • Powershell for zerto

      Any helpful resource for powershell. I know the guide but need something very basic. I am unable to connect to even ZMV running version 9.2 U2.   It always give me the ssl connection could not be established, see inner exception powershell tried by adding the port 9669, It first threw URL error and than […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • December 16, 2021
    • Zabbix Discovery Script stopped working

      Good Day. I am hoping someone can assist. We have a customer with two zvm’s in two regions. The one works fine with a the zabbix script and reports as it should. (This server has 50VPG’s). The second server only has 2 Vpg’s but is not working anymore. I am new to both systems so […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • November 10, 2021
    • Unable to run PS script

      Hello. I’m fairly new into powershell scripting so I hope I got everything right. Currently testing on Zerto 5.0 U1. Colleges asked me if Zerto has some option that would enable us to change resources on replicated machines when testing or doing failover. After some reading I found nothing and started creating a script that […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 2
    • October 21, 2021
    • Write powershell for Zerto

      Hi, I want to hire someone to help me write some powershell scripts for Zerto API. If anyone is interesting, please contact me directly to epaz999@gmail.com. Thanks

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • September 28, 2021
    • Automating ZVR vCenter Alarms 1 2

      Hello,   With our recent blog post in regards to automating vCenter alarms we wanted to open this up for feedback and questions you may have. For those interested in a script please let us know and we will send you a link to the download. Thank you,

    • People: 8
      Replies: 20
    • September 21, 2021
    • Zerto VM Report

      I am looking for a way to export the report of all VM and its details using powershell to a csv. what i am looking for is vmname, VpgName, SourceSite, TargetSite, ProvisionedStorageInMB, target host, source host, Source IP & failover IP below can give some details but how do i get VM failover ip and […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • September 5, 2021
    • Scripts for Linux VMs

      Hello, can we use the linux zerto tools for VMs that are not in AWS ? We are trying to perform some tasks upon failover on a number of VMs , we don’t see generic packages for linux VMs . Thanks

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • September 2, 2021
    • API Error: Setting Validation Failed

      Hi, I am trying to update vcd failover network nic settings and i am getting the below error: ErrorDetails : {“Message”:”Exception occurred in API: Setting validation failed: The following properties are irrelevant when replicating from vSphere to vCD. Remove these accordingly:\nName: JournalDatastore; Location: ProtectionGroupM anagementSettings.VMsManagementSettings.0.VMSettings; “} I am getting this error when sending it to […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • August 24, 2021
    • Power BI guidance for Zerto Analytics

      Trying to connect to Analytics via Power BI.  Just looking for license usage at this point.  Anyone have any suggestions for how to form the request in Power BI?  I am attempting using below: URL – http://analytics.api.zerto.com/v2/auth/token’ accept – application/json Here’s the error message: Unable to connect We encountered an error trying to connect. Details: […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • August 3, 2021
    • Amend failover IP address for existing VPG via API

      Hello I am having trouble with NIC configuration via the API using a powershell script > REST call. I already have automation to create VPGs. I wish to be able to add failover IP address config to a given VM (values currently unset). I have spent a long time trying to get this to work […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • July 6, 2021
    • Edit Recovery Site

      Greetings all. I am new to scripting and I was curious if there is a way to create/modify existing VPGs to change the Source and more importantly Recovery sites. I cannot find anything that allows you to modify it. Thank you.

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • April 30, 2021
    • Remove a VM from a VPG without preserving disk

      Trying to remove a VM from a VPG (part of a decommission workflow) with out preserving the target disk. Using the API we are able to remove the VM with no issues it however does not remove the target Volume. How can this be completed?

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • April 9, 2021
    • Recovery Data Size/Recovery Storage:

      Hi There, Just wondering, is there a way to pull the “Recovery Data Size” back using API or Powershell at all? I’m aware of the method to grab from https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgs etc, but this pulls back UsedStorageInMB – What I want is to pull back the Recovery Data Size that is also shown when you look at the […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 12
    • March 23, 2021
    • Problems with getting started with powershell

      Hi, I’m new to Zerto and could do with some pointers, please? I’ve installed the Zerto cmdlet on to ZVM server but when I try and run any commands I get an error like below: Get-CheckPoints : Could not load file or assembly ‘netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • February 28, 2021

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