• Scripting and APIs
    • Analytics Storage

      Analytics recently added a section where you can view storage data for VMs.  I was curious as to when this would be available in the API considering the documentation about the analytics API states: “Zerto Analytics is developed with an API first approach, therefore, everything that is presented in the GUI, is also available with […]

    • People: 1
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    • July 14, 2020
    • Create Thin Provisioned VPG ?

      I have been automating VPG creation via REST/Powershell since we first implemented at v5.x, and currently at 7.0.  My target datastores are block storage arrays, and until now, I have had no issues since the recovery volumes have been thick provisioned by default. However, I now have added an Isilon cluster (NAS) at our recovery […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 6
    • July 14, 2020
    • VPG memory utilization

      Hi, I am trying to create a script (or modify an existing one) that will retrieve the configured memory and CPUs for every VPG in a ZVM.  So far, I seem to be able to retrieve all kind of VPG information but the actual memory that each VPG will consume when active is something that […]

    • People: 2
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    • July 14, 2020
    • Zerto report

      i am looking to create a report which will have all the vm with source/destination site and provisioned space. i also want to add source and target esx host, how do i achieve this   Get-Zertovm |select vmname, VpgName, SourceSite, TargetSite, ProvisionedStorageInMB | ft

    • People: 1
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    • July 8, 2020
    • Pre-Post Script

      Between 7.0 and 7.5 there was a “Script Hardening” <p style=”padding-left: 80px;”>User Script Hardening In order to prevent unauthorized command execution, Zerto no longer supports executing arbitrary commands and non-PowerShell scripts as part of the failover operations. Only PowerShell scripts are supported, and these must reside on the recovery ZVM’s local file system.</p> Scripting used […]

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    • July 7, 2020
    • VM NIC Re-IP & Port Groups

      Hi All, I am in process of Bulk Editing VM NIC Settings Including Re-IP & Port Groups settings, i found “White Paper – Automating Zerto Virtual Replication with PowerShell and REST APIs” PDF. below is the script for your reference, But i am getting error message , can someone help me on this please ================================== System.Net.WebException: […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 6
    • July 6, 2020
    • Zerto Analytic API authentication bad request erro

      Hi All, I am trying to collect the status of all VPG from zerto analytics API in google spreadsheet using google script . While running below code , getting error “Request failed for https://analytics.api.zerto.com returned code 400. Truncated server response: {“errorCode”:4,”errorMessage”:”Bad Request”}” Code : function vpgStat() { var Username = ‘username’; var Password = ‘password’; […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • June 22, 2020
    • Zerto powershell

      i have installed zerto module on a ZVM server but when i open zerto powershell and run “Get-ZertoVM” this is what i get Get-ZertoVM Missing Zerto Authentication Token At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ZertoModule\1.0.8\ZertoModule.psm1:3777 char:13 + throw “Missing Zerto Authentication Token” + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Missing Zerto Authentication Token:String) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Missing Zerto […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 3
    • May 11, 2020
    • Create Simple VPG using PowerShell and API

      Can someone post a simple template script for creating a new VPG.  I am just looking to get the understanding on getting the first one deployed using the API.  I am just looking for a simply start that gets one created successfully.  I have reviewed the API whitepaper and it is a little overwhelming at […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 8
    • May 8, 2020
    • Check if a vm is in a vpg or not

      Hello I am looking for a script that can be run against a list of server (a text file) and checks for every vm if it is protected under Zerto or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks

    • People: 2
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    • May 6, 2020
    • Getting Site VMs info using PowerShell a script

      I am new to PowerShell and am not sure where to start. But my question is. Is there a script that can be run to pull/export to excel, just the VM information per site? I would like to do a weekly audit of the number of VMs my customers have weekly.

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • May 1, 2020
    • connect-zertozvm

      Newbee talking. When I connect to our vSphere server via Powershell I use an interactive script: $VmWare_user = Get-Content “\\Servername\Share\vSphere_user.txt” $VmWare_pwd = Get-Content “\\Servername\Share\vSphere_pw.txt” $VmWare_srv = Get-Content “\\Servername\Share\vSphere_srv.txt” Connect-VIServer $VmWare_srv -User $VmWare_user -Password $VmWare_pwd I want to do the same for connecting interactive to Zerto but the paramete -password does not exist. I don’t want […]

    • People: 1
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    • March 5, 2020
    • Horribly slow API responses

      7.0 U2 VMware I’m running scripts on the ZVM itself. Just the authentication part to get the Zerto Session Token can take 30+ seconds. I’ve tried both powershell and PHP and they both experience the same lag. I’ve tried from a different server and the result is the same; the API acts like I’m sending […]

    • People: 1
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    • December 9, 2019
    • Error getting VM NIC data

      Hi I am trying to run a script to Export of VM/VPG data I found on this forum. Everything but the section to gather NIC data runs here are the commands $GetVMSettingNICsURL = $baseURL+”vpgSettings/”+$VPGSettingsIdentifier+”/vms/”+$VMIdentifier+”/nics” $GetVMSettingNICs = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $GetVMSettingNICsURL -TimeoutSec 100 -Headers $zertoSessionHeader_XML -ContentType $TypeXML there error is: Invoke-RestMethod : Failed parsing ‘xxxxxxxxxx-75fc-4f25-a44d-a54af1dc11ed.vm-xxxxxx’ […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • November 8, 2019
    • Zerto Failover CLI Utility

      We have published a new public utility that Zerto users may find useful. The Zerto Failover Utility enables you to streamline your fail-over tests (and if needed live site fail-over’s). The utility makes use of a CSV file where you can list all of your VPGs in order, with built in pauses if needed to […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • October 25, 2019

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