• This forum has 174 topics, 347 replies, and was last updated July 2, 2024 by Michael M.
    • Scripting and APIs
    • Email Notifications

      Hello – i’d like to send out an email notification once the failover is complete and promoted. Initially I had configured a powershell script to run post-script however this does not wait till those conditions are met. Any suggestions are welcome.

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • October 31, 2018
    • Startup script

      Hi I would like to start VM on DR site, but with lower vcpu and lower memory.I have tried dozens of pre\post scripts but none of them worked. For example, one VM has 8cpu and 128gb memory, on DR i would like it to start with 2cpu and 16gb only. Have anyone did something like […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • October 30, 2018
    • API VPG query failover state

      I’m querying the Zerto API for VPGs “https://” + $ZertoServer + “:”+$ZertoPort+”/v1/vpgs” When I have a VPG in a TEST failed over state, there is no where that tells me what state it is in ActiveProcessesApi : @{RunningFailOverTestApi=} ActualRPO : 9 BackupEnabled : False ConfiguredRpoSeconds : 300 Entities : @{Protected=4; Recovery=4; Source=4; Target=4} FailSafeHistory : […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 4
    • October 10, 2018
    • REST API Changes 5.0 update 3

      If any customers have been running our Zerto scripts which we provide as examples (whitepapers) on versions 5.0 update 2 and below then please have a read of the below: As per our release notes in 5.0 update 3 there was a change in the API which gives Zerto better security. I have seen numerous […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • October 8, 2018
    • One to Many vms not showing virtualizationsites/vm

      In the API, I’ve always used “virtualizationsites/{SITEIDENTIFIER}/vms” to find all of the VMs available to replicate.  Not sure when this occurred, but I noticed on 6.0u2 that this no longer retrieves VMs that would be considered One to Many.  If I pull them up in the web UI I can find the VM in the […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 5
    • September 13, 2018
    • Export VPG / VM list to csv via script

      Is there a way to export a “vpg list report”, similar to the one you get via the export link on the VPG tab, via script?    When having to rebuild VPGs, the information in this report is invaluable when saving the disks for use as preseed data.   This list is useful when trying to […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 3
    • August 10, 2018
    • Move VPG via API

      Is there a method using the REST API for moving a VPG to another site or is this considered a failover? Thank you, Dustin Perkins Hunting Energy Services

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • June 6, 2018
    • Bulk Edit VRA – Update Default Gateway

      I’m working on a script that will edit the default gateway of VRAs.  I’m getting the following error while running the script: PS C:\Windows\system32> TerminatingError(Invoke-RestMethod): “Request Error The server encountered an error processing the request. Please see the service help page for constructing valid requests to the service.” Exception : System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 1
    • May 25, 2018
    • VRA Status of 0

      Hi,   when i pull back the VRA status i get a status of 0 however i cannot find a list of what this resolves to for example: 0 = good 1=bad   etc   Hopefully its just me being a little stupid

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • April 10, 2018
    • Unable to get VM nic settings (Powershell)

      I’m trying to pull a copy of a vm’s nic settings by using the NICs API but I’m getting nothing back. I’ve verified a hundred times that the VPGSettings ID and the VM ID are valid. I’m able to pull VPG settings and VM settings without issue. My environment is replicated to a VCD. I’m […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 1
    • March 26, 2018
    • Powershell Cmdlet to Create New VPG

      I don’t see such a cmdlet referenced in the PowerShell Cmdlets Guide. Is it possible to automate the creation of new VPG’s? If not now, are there plans for a future release?

    • People: 4
      Replies: 5
    • March 7, 2018
    • Check if a VM is in a VPG

      Hi all. I’d like to check for the name of a server in Zerto and see if it’s a member of a VPG, using either the PS cmdlets or API. I see ways to list all VPGs and then list all the servers in those VPGs, which I could then check the server name against. […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • March 6, 2018
    • "Setting Validation Failed" in Invoke-RestMethod

      I am using a script to pull the settings of all VM NIC settings, based off the script found here starting on page 16: https://www.zerto.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Automating-Zerto-Virtual-Replication-with-PowerShell-and-REST-APIs.pdf It mostly works, however I found it was skipping over some VPGs. Digging into it, I found that the problem was occuring here (near the top of page 18): <h6>########################################## […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 5
    • February 7, 2018
    • Post VPG FailoverTest cleanup via API

      I’m building some tools into my company’s intranet web app that will allow running VPG failovers and tests of failovers by making calls to the API behind the scenes.  It’s clear that I would call the VPG test endpoint to start a test: Test VPG https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgs/{protectionGroupIdentifier}/failoverTest But it’s not entirely clear what to call when […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • January 29, 2018

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