• This forum has 554 topics, 1,467 replies, and was last updated July 9, 2024 by Jacob C.
    • VMware
    • keeping the UUID

      I have a VM that in part uses the UUID for licensing.  I have selected to maintain the UUID in Zerto and have uuid.action = “keep” in the vmx file.  Each time i have done a test failover or migration it has change.  Am I missing something?   Thanks, Patrick

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • February 22, 2021
    • ZVM OS Upgrade / Move to new Server OS

      I have a client that needs to move  their ZVM from Win2008R2 to win2016.  With 35 VPGs and around 150 VMs, the method documented in the KB article is quite cumbersome. Deleting all the VPGs and then recovering them on the new ZVM is sketchy at best, let alone it leaves the client unprotected until […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 4
    • February 22, 2021
    • Zerto Upgrade to 8.5

      Hello.  We are currently running on Zerto 7.0U2 on VMware and are looking to go to the latest 8.5 update.   We are planning on building new Windows Server 2019 VMs for the ZVMs and install 8.5 new rather than an in place Windows 2019 from 2012 upgrade and 8.5 from 7.0 Zerto upgrade. My question […]

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • February 19, 2021
    • VPG creation issue in VMware

      Hello team, I got following error while creating new VPG – ‘Failed to add disk ‘scsi0:4’ The file specified is not a virtual disk. Cannot open the disk ‘file name’ or one the snapshot disks it depends on. failed to power on ‘scsi0:4”   Please let me know if you need any other details.   […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • February 18, 2021
    • Zerto 7.5 U1 upgradeand ZVRAs timer glitch

      I have upgraded Zerto from 7.0 U1 to 7.5 U1 and discovered strange timer glitch notification on every ZVRA (in Main DC and DR site) console: ie: [ 6008.881072] rc.local[439]: 2nd attempt: now =6008585 [ 6008.881572] rc.localp439]: Timer glitch: lastTimestampMs=6008585 now=6068586 As far as I am aware is not affecting replication but I want to […]

    • People: 6
      Replies: 6
    • January 19, 2021
    • change VRA network switch

      Dear support, is it possible to change the virtual switch for a VRA? In vCenter, you should not change VRAs, but over Zerto management console it´s only possible to set the virtual switch which should be uses for VRA during installation of the VRA. Once the VRA is setup and you want to edit it, […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • January 18, 2021
    • vSphere – independent persistent disk

      Does Zerto replication/failover keep track of disk type. We have migrated few VMs with independent persistent disk and it converted to dependent. Also, noticed that disk order was changed in some VMs after failover.

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • December 28, 2020
    • Change VPG recovery host failure

      I have a tickets logged for this which is currently waiting on VMware but was wondering if anyone else is seeing this issue? I have quite a large VPG with 50 disks and moving the VPG from one host to another fails almost every time and rolls back.  I don’t see the issue with smaller […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • December 22, 2020
    • VRA installation failed at 10%

      Hello, I have install ZVM without problem. Configuration with the VCenter works well. When I try to install a VRA we receive this error at 10% (OVF Deployment) error while inserting C:\Program Files\Zerto|Zerto Virtual Replication\vra\vra-disk1.vmdk into vm remote server return error System.Net.Web.Exception: the remote server returned an error (404) Not found. at System.Net.httpWebrequest.getResponse() at VCenterConnectionLayer.OvfDeployer.OvfUploadVmdkfile(BooleanisCreated, […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • December 15, 2020
    • vSphere Storage Overrides for VRA vmdk’s

      We regularly see storage overrides created for our VRA’s in our vsphere datastore clusters. They’re non-disruptive, and every so often we just go through and delete them. This is completely different from the VM overrides and VM/Host groups and rules that govern the VRA’s being powered on and off with the host, and which prevent […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • December 4, 2020
    • Resizing VM disk

      When I grow the VMDK on a protected virtual machine, will the VPG automatically adjust, or do I need to delete and recreate it?

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • December 3, 2020
    • Can ZDP be used in multiple vCenter environments?

      I have the following questions due to the limitation of ZDP, which only allows local backup. 3 vCenter environments with 15VMs ZDP license. I would like to configure a running VM backup on each vCenter within 15VMs limit. Is this possible?  

    • People: 1
      Replies: 0
    • December 1, 2020
    • Excluding drives from replication

      So we have a very large SQL server and we want to the server replicated, but do not require the entire DB drive (its ~ 8 TB) at the DR site.  If a DR event ever occurred, we would just add the empty drive to match the drive letter in production and the staff would […]

    • People: 1
      Replies: 3
    • November 26, 2020

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