- This forum has 554 topics, 1,464 replies, and was last updated July 2, 2024 by
Mike C.
- VMware
Pair with same site with different Zcc
Hi, I have a question. If a zvm with which I have a pair with a vcloud (zcc) site, I can have another pair with the same vcloud site with another zcc of another organization. Thank you.
People: 3
Replies: 2 - September 10, 2017
machine check exception fatal (unrecoverable) mce
my server has crashed.and i see this error.i capture it.what should i do? i attach the error capture.help me please…
People: 2
Replies: 1 - August 31, 2017
Clustered RDM's Replication to Azure
Helllo fello Zerto Admins, We recently acquired Zerto’s Replication software, for replicating our ESXi on premise hosted workloads, over to Azure for our DR implementation. Replicating protected VM’s over to Azure is pretty straightforward. Could you please share your ideas on how to handle protected VM’s on ESXi, which comprise a two node Microsoft SQL […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - August 8, 2017
is host to host migration supported (no vCenter)?
Will the Zerto 5.x tool support migration/backup from a standalone ESXi host to another ESXi host where both hosts are not in vCenter? If it is possible, where is it documented? When I setup the ZVM for VMware, it only allows connection to vCenter which seems to indicate that a standalone host to another standalone […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - August 7, 2017
ESXi 6.5 U1
I was wondering if anyone knows when Zerto will be compatible with ESXi 6.5 U1?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - August 2, 2017
Multi-Site plus DR Site Support
I have the requirement to Support a Three Node DR plan where I have Virtual Machines running in DC1 and DC2 and the third site as a shared DR Site. Does Zerto support Multi-Site +DR replication ? Example DC1 – Production VMs plus extra capacity in Compute to run DC2 workloads as a backup […]
People: 6
Replies: 8 - July 27, 2017
Unable to assign vCD Cloud Resources – ZCM
Hi, In my Datacenter I have a ZVM/ZCM linked to vCloud Director. This environment is to be used to onboard customers into our cloud. I have 3 VRAs installed at the moment, they show green and connected. In Cloud Settings, vCDHos ticked, and I didn’t see any error when I configured the IP and the […]
People: 1
Replies: 2 - July 27, 2017
RDM in Vmware SCSI controller type
Hey, Can anyone please point the requirements to allow protection if an RDM based machine. Is there a particular SCSI controller type I have to select for this to work?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - July 17, 2017
VPG boot order delay not working in failover test
Hi we are just getting started with our implementation of zerto and are running 5.0 update 3 with VMware 6u3 on the backend. I’ve created a VPG which contains 4 vms. On the boot order config screen I’v broken these into two groups (2 vms per group) with a boot delay of 300 seconds on […]
People: 2
Replies: 2 - July 17, 2017
ZVR version 5.0U3 compatibility with ESXi 6.0 U3
<h5>Hi,</h5> <h5>According to the June 2017 ZERTO VIRTUAL REPLICATION INTEROPERABILITY MATRIX, if I’m installing ZVR v5U3 in a vSphere 6.0 U3 environment, there is a link to this article:- https://www.zerto.com/myzerto/knowledge-base/updating-a-zvm-to-support-zerto-approved-host-releases-prior-to-a-full-zvr-update/. The first step in the solution section of the article says “Contact Zerto Support to ensure that the ESXiHyper-V Host version you want to use […]
People: 2
Replies: 2 - July 12, 2017
6.5 html 5 plugin
Hello, I did a search and couldn’t find anything. I am curious what the procedure is to allow Zerto 3rd Party Plugins into the HTML 5 client. Any ideas? Thanks.
People: 2
Replies: 3 - July 12, 2017
Upgrade from 5.0u2 to 5.0u3 fails
Running VMWare at both production and DR sites. Currently running Zerto v5.0u2. Started the upgrade process to v5.0u3 and I was met with an error: “An error has occurred. MSI Error code: -2147023271” I’m going to open a support ticket but I thought I’d pose the question here, in the event someone else has seen […]
People: 2
Replies: 2 - June 15, 2017
Migrating from old vCenter to new vCenter
Hello Folks, So what I am looking to do is use Zerto to facilitate my migration from my old vCenter to a new vCenter (hardware refresh). After that is complete, the old vCenter will be shut down. The new vCenter will be replicating, using Zerto, to a DR site. So the ZVM that I have […]
People: 3
Replies: 4 - June 2, 2017
Feature Request – Better VM to ESXi distribution
We create VPG’s by pointing them at Resource Pools rather than individual hosts. I’m finding that Zerto does not spread VM’s across hosts within a cluster when doing this. I setup one today that pointed 3 of 4 large busy VM’s at a single host rather than spreading across the cluster. Replication traffic is pounding […]
People: 3
Replies: 4 - May 19, 2017
Upgrade vCenter Appliance to 6.5
I am getting ready to upgrade our vSphere environment to 6.5 and I was wondering if anyone else has done this and hit any issues. I am running the most recent version of Zerto and while it says it supports 6.5 I do not see any documentation on zerto’s support site regarding any issues or […]
People: 3
Replies: 3 - May 5, 2017
Pair with same site with different Zcc
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