Guidelines to ZVM Upgrade

  • Hi together

    We currently have two sites which replicating VPGs from and to the other site. Our current version is 7.0 U1 and we want to upgrade to the newest 7.5 release. I’ve read the upgrade guideline found here:

    Our steps for the upgrade would be the following:

    • Last check that all VPGs are in sync
    • Stop ZVM services on both sites
    • Take snapshot of zvm vm and their corresponding sql vm
    • Start the upgrade on both sites simultaneously

    Our question is if those upgrade steps are recommended? Especially if we don’t start the ZVM service again before the installation and if we can start both upgrade at once?


    Thanks for your help



    Hi Tobias. Yaron from Zerto Support here.
    Basically, after taking the snapshot, you can turn on the ZVM services, if Zerto requires, it will power off the ZVM service automatically.
    In addition, Zerto recommends that you will upgrade each site at a time and not both sites simultaneously. The reason for that is that in case you will face an issue with the upgrade procedure, you will end up with only one site errored out.
    You can review this KB for more information:

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