• This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated April 8, 2021 by Ivan N.

vSphere 7.0u2 support

  • Is vSphere 7.0u2 supported in 8.5U2.

    The current 8.5U2 had a new date on the donwload page so I assumed it was a new build, but it is still the one from 15th of February.

    i have already deployed a couple of hosts with 7.0u2 and now Zerto is complaining about VRAs not being connected to each other.

    When will a build be released supporting 7.0u2 ?


    Same situation exists on my environment. We need this info for our upgrade plan. Waiting for feedback ASAP.



    Any update on this? Same situation here…

    For now I have rebuild the DR environment reinstalling the ESXi hosts with 7.0u1c.

    Still It would nice to have some response on the planning for a release supporting 7.0u2.


    Please, check the next KB:

    Zerto Virtual Replication Operability Matrix

    page 3


    Yes, “Zerto assumes that minor update releases are supported (for example, vCenter Server 5.5U1a, 5.5U1b or 5.5U1c), if the major update is supported (for example, vCenter Server 5.5U1).”

    But first, you need to know that “Zerto will support new platforms, management tools and hosts listed in this document within 90 days of the general availability of a new platform release for
    the Zerto Virtual Replication releases that are in the General Support Phase. See the Product Version Lifecycle Matrix for more details.”

    In the case with vCenter Server 7.0 Update 2, it was released on 09 MAR 2021.
    <<< https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/rn/vsphere-esxi-702-release-notes.html >>>

    So, now our Devs is working on updates.
    It will be released as soon as it passes the full testing cycle and the release version is recognized as stable.

    The release date is not exactly known to me, but it will be appointed closer to this date: March 9, 2021, + 90 days = June 7, 2021.


    Hi Ivan,


    Thanks for the update, I have missed the 90 days in the document.


    The vCenter 7.0 u2 and ESXi 7.0 u2 now is supported in the Zerto 8.5 update 3.

    vSAN 7.0 update 2 is not yet supported.



    hello everyone,

    I know that 7.0U2 is now supported on 8.5u3 but We are running  into issues trying to protect vm  that are currently on VM hardware version 19 , does anyone know how this can be done


    By following the next KB the VM HW version 19 is still not supported.

    Zerto Virtual Replication Operability Matrix
    page 9


    Probably, will be supported in the next minor version of Zerto such as 9.


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