• This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated February 14, 2022 by Licentie I.

Zerto 9Update3P1 – What’s new in P1?

  • Hi All, I can’t seem to find any release notes for P1 of U3. It was released for Vmware on 28th of Jan, so just a few days ago, but no notes on what P1 addressed. I am on U3 myself already, but wondering if I need to go to P1 to address any issues, or better yet, if ESXi 7U3 is now supported perhaps now that Vmware re-released it…anyone?

    Hello Dmitri,
    Ben from Zerto support here

    Zerto 9.0 update 3 patch 1 addresses an issue that causes the Amazon S3 Tiering operations to partially fail and retry. This could lead to the generation of unexpected charges for Early Retrieval and Deletes from S3 tiers.

    Zerto users have the option to configure Tiering settings when using Long-term Retention and Amazon S3 repositories, which moves data between Amazon S3 tiers, such as S3-IA and Glacier. A small percentage of users observed that upon enabling Tiering in Zerto for Long-Term Retention repositories on Amazon S3 storage – unexpected Early Retrieval and Early Delete charges were incurred for their Amazon Web Services account.

    We, therefore, recommend anyone using the Amazon S3 Tiering feature with Zerto, or who plans to in the future, to apply version 9.0 Update 3 patch 1 immediately, which resolves this issue. For more information about changes to Zerto 9.0 update 3, please review the version release notes:

    Regarding your second question – given that VMware has pulled ESXi 7.0U3 from market due to critical issues, Zerto is unable to support this version at the moment. More information in VMware’s documentation. We also mentioned this on pages 7 and 9 of our interoperability matrix:

    Zerto currently awaits the re-release of ESXi 7.0U3 by VMware. We will support new platforms, management tools, and hosts within 90 days of availability, for the Zerto Virtual Replication releases that are in the General Support Phase.

    Thank you and have a nice day


    Like Dmitri B said, VMware already re-released vSphere 7.0U3c which fixes a lot of issues regarding Log4J and drivers. We need to use this as quick as possible. We have upgrade 1 host, but we were not able to install the VRA on it. I hope ZERTO will come with a fix as quick as possible.


    Robin John


    Hello Robin,
    Ben from Zerto support here.

    Thanks for clarifying – I just noticed on VMware’s site that ESXi 7.0.3c was released last week, as per the version release notes.

    I understand your concerns, but our Dev team needs time to work on this newly released version and test it – which is why we support new platforms, management tools, and hosts within 90 days of general availability, for the Zerto Virtual Replication releases that are in the General Support Phase.
    Thank you for your understanding and patience

    Understand Zerto needs to go through a testing/validation phase for new releases of VMware, but as mentioned above, there are critical fixes in Update 3c that Customers have a need to deploy…namely log4j.   Our InfoSec team is all over us to get 3c deployed and they wont be happy by a 90 day answer.

    Hello Nabeel,
    Ben from Zerto support here.

    Zerto’s policy over the years has always been that we will support new platforms, management tools, and hosts within 90 days of availability, for the Zerto Virtual Replication releases that are in the General Support Phase.

    Please feel free to reach out to your Zerto account manager and raise awareness – they might be able to tailor professional services to your needs.
    In addition, you can register a feature request on the designated section of myZerto, although as stated, ESXi 7.0.3c is on our roadmap.

    Have a nice day

    For those pressing for a version that supports 7.0U3, you can upgrade vCenter to 7.0U3c without impact on Zerto.

    Just do not upgrade your hosts, which aren’t impacted by log4j anyway.

    @Jeroen S: before updating vCenter to 7.0.3 you must update hosts first if they use de I40EN or I40ENU driver: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/rn/vsphere-vcenter-server-70u3c-release-notes.html


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