• This topic has 20 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated February 11, 2022 by Martin W.

ESXi 7u3 Compatibility Support Timeframe?

  • We need it.


    Thank you.

    Bump… whats ETA on this?

    ditto.   esp. as ESXi does not allow rollback once upgraded to 7.x due to differences in boot partitions

    Waiting for this as well. I accidentally upgraded from U2 to U3 yesterday on a host thinking it was just standard security patches. You can roll back to U2 by hitting Shift + R during ESXi boot, I rolled back this morning. U3 def doesn’t work with Zerto at the moment.

    Zerto say within 90 days of release.  Which I personally think is too long.

    9U2 was released just after vCenter/ESXi 7U3 so I am guessing they’ll have to release a patch that supports it.

    Too many issues with ESXi 7 Update 3 for me, I’m going to wait for ESXi 7U4.

    I’m stuck in limbo with this, upgraded from vsphere 7 u2 to u3 to resolve another vendor issue on a single host with a view to rolling back if not resolved.  Obviously this broke Zerto on said host requiring a rollback.

    Rollback failed, both esxi bootbanks contained U3 – the upgrade had overwritten the u2 bootbank. Be warned that this is a possible bug if upgrading to u3 with a view to rolling back.

    I now have a single host with U3 of a dual node HCA.

    Desperately need U3 to be validated by Zerto!


    Same issue as Chris.  Zerto please push this along

    The sooner the better,  I had to do a full rebuild of my vCenter and in the process have been rebuilding everything at 7.03, so no rolling back for me at this point, and I need to get Zerto back up and running.  A date would be great on when I can expect it to support 7.0U3.

    There was a field notice to advise customers to update to 9U2p1 as soon as  it’s available to fix a bug in version 9. Here’s hoping that comes with vSphere 7U3 support:

    Zerto recommends that you upgrade to 9.0 U2 Patch 1 as soon as it is available (planned for mid-November).


    Heard back from my account rep, looks like the latest doesn’t support 7.03 either.  The next version 9.0U3 will support it, but will not be released until 12/28 based on their current schedule.

    We rebuilt our hosts to get them back to VMware 7.0U2 because the roll back didn’t work for us.  Did anyone have any luck with keeping vCenter at version 7.0U3?  After rebuilding the hosts Zerto looked like it was syncing again.  However, this morning all of the VRA’s are showing as being down in ZVM even though they are not.  The only think I can think of is that our vCenter is still at 7.0U3.

    On Friday , November 19th, VMware pulled 7.0U3 from their site due to PSOD issues. We have a VxRail at our DR site that was upgraded to 7.0.3 2 weeks ago today (and broke Zerto). Dell/EMC has told me that 7.0.301 is scheduled to be released on 11/30. If the 11/30 date is correct, we’re wondering internally if that would mean Zerto would have 90 days from this date to release a patch? We were OK with waiting until 12/28. However, if this date gets pushed again, we might have to wipe our VxRail and re-deploy. Here is the VMware KB article – https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/86398.

    We just got off the phone with Zerto Support a few minutes ago.  Apparently we had a “Ghost VRA” somehow at our DR site that had an IP Address of a normal VRA.  This was apparently causing all of the other VRA’s to crash.  We were able to uninstall the ghost VRA and then just had to manually restart a couple of VRA’s.  We are now waiting for all of the delta syncs to complete.  If that goes well I think we will be ok until VMWare gets their patches all figured out and Zerto has time to come up with a supported patch.  Zerto support was saying since VMWare just pulled most of the 7.0U3 updates/patches it could delay there testing of getting a new patch/version out.

    Like Eric R, I had no choice but to rebuild the host we had upgraded to U3 after the failed roll back to U2.  We didn’t experience the PSOD issues even though we are thin deploy on NFS.  In addition we have been running vCenter 7 U3 for sometime now and we have no issues with Zerto/Veeam and any other 3rd party products but that is just our experience so ymmv.

    I do have a VRA re-install issue on the newly built host but thats for another post.

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