Access to Support and Downloads

  • Hello, I’m curently having login access to MyZerto but not to Support and Downloads. The message that pops-up in URL:  is  “You must be a Zerto customer or partner to access the Support Page“. I’m an HPE partner with no Zerto relationship previously. So how can i get access to support and downloads and be able to download and test zerto ? By pressing the Request Support Access button within the same  URL i see a message saying “We were unable to send your request; please reach out to Zerto Support for assistance” I cant find where i can submit a case. Is there any specific e-mail which i can use to submit a case ? Thanks for any kind of help.


    Hello Yannis,
    Ben from Zerto support here.

    Please go to the myZerto login page and sign-up to request a myZerto account.
    If your company has purchased Zerto solutions, the email domain will be recognized and the request will be approved.

    Have a nice day

    Ben, how do we remove a person who is no longer with the company and insure they cannot log in to support or analytics?


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