• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated March 23, 2021 by Joseph L.

Azure & Multi Cloud Disaster Recovery Capability

  • Team Zerto,

    Could You Please let us know whether zerto supports the Following functionalities

    • Azure Cloud Region-A   ——To——Region-B       (Disaster Recovery/Replication)
    • Azure Cloud  ————-To ———–AWS Cloud  (Disaster Recovery/Replication)

    It would be grateful if you provide some resources like document, presentation, Videos if the functionality exists


    Gopinath Kalidass

    Hello Gopinath,


    The following is a link to the Zerto administration guide for Azure:




    Starting on page 62 is detail regarding the capabilities of configuration replication out of Azure. Please review, let us know if you have any additional questions.


    Thank you,




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