• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated May 14, 2021 by Kalsang D.

Cannot add Windows Server 2019 VMs to VPG

  • I am trying to migrate some servers from our vmware environment to AWS using Zerto, and I’ve managed to do it with Windows Server 2016 (although I haven’t managed to get the networking sorted), but whenever I try to add a server 2019 VM to the VPG or make a new VPG with one in it, I get the following error

    The UEFI VMs below cannot be recovered to the selected VM series type. In the Advanced VM Settings menu select a valid recovery instance.

    When I go onto the Advanced Settings I can edit the Instance Family and Instance Type no problem of the 2016 VMs but on the 2019 ones, the drop down fields are completely empty and don’t let me edit them at all.

    I’ve checked the Interoperability Matrix document and vmware to AWS should be possible for 2019 however it says it’s only supported when Zerto Import for All Volumes is selected, but I cannot see that option anywhere?

    Is this a misconfiguration issue on my end somewhere or is what i’m trying to do not supported?

    Extra info:

    VMWare – Zerto 8.5
    AWS – Zerto 8.5

    Sites are paired successfully


    This is Kalsang from Zerto.

    Here’s documentation to know more about how Zimporter works and what’s recommended or required to recover to AWS.


    Please feel free to review the documents and I hope it helps.

    Best regards,

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