• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated October 30, 2018 by Ryan S.

Citrix Master Image replication

  • I’m looking for advice on how best to deal with powered off Citrix Master Image VMs.  My Citrix admin let me know it’s best practice to keep the master image VMs powered off.

    I wanted to vet with the gurus here to confirm that after an intial sync completes, and I get at least one checkpoint, if the citrix master image VM is powered off, I’ll always be able to do a failover at the DR site of this VM?

    Any other advice you have for me would be great.

    I’m running version 5.5 Update 2 Patch 1.


    You are correct, Kelvin.

    Once the initial sync is complete and you power off the master image VM, you will have a good copy of the ZVM to revert back to for failovers

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