• This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated September 6, 2019 by Atir C.

Citrix replication to Azure – consideration/steps

  • HI Team,

    I am an active user for Zerto currently replicating windows servers from Vmware to AWS.

    Please can you let me know the key considerations  when replication Citrix servers into Azure or AWS or another Vmware clusert. Are there any best practice around this (re-ip addresses etc) and are there any key steps to keep in mind when setting up such replication ?

    Scope could include the whole citrix infrastructure including the netscalar appliance. Any help is much appreciated.



    This will probably work, but a few notes of caution and of course it has to be tested. As Netscalers operate natively in HA mode, I’m not sure why you want to replicate it in ZVR anyways. Also, you can have a VPX installed at the recovery site and just fire it up with the config file (ns.conf) from the production site for an identical and very fast startup. There is no license cost for the passive unit.

    • Netscaler is supported on AWS and Azure.
    • The OS of the Netscaler is a hardened FreeBSD
    • The number of vNICs is key on FOT/FOL
    • VMware Tools comes pre-installed in the image, but it is not out-of-the-box VMware Tools. It is specialized and cannot be upgraded or reinstalled. This may cause an issue with a VPX with many vNICs.

    Please look at the Interoperability Matrix for all Zerto Version for windows server:


    Thanks Atir,


    So the setup is predominantly made of Netscalars, storefront servers and multiple citrix server. I think what I am trying to understand is if I will need to re-ip all the instances when failed over to Azure/AWS or there is a way for me to carry the existing IPs in their entirety into the Azure bubble and route the whole layer 3 VLAN to Azure upon failover.





    If your virtual network contains a subnet configured for the ip addresses you are failing over to Azure or AWS, the protected server ip is used upon failover if the re-ip settings are not configured in the VPG configuration wizard.
    You need to define values for re-ip under the network tab in the ZVM GUI in order to use it. So by default, we are always going to use the protected IP. The only issue in the cloud is, if you do not have an ip address that is reachable over the network because of the subnet it is failing into, then you will not be able to connect to the machine

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