• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated January 24, 2020 by Yaron S.

Cross-CSP replication (ZCC-ZCC) possible

  • As a CSP, we have a customer who wants to replicate from our VCD/Zerto environment to another CSP’s Zerto environment. Can ZCC’s be tied together, so each CSP maintains isolation of just that ZORG ?
    (Pretty sure this is a “no”, and even if it was possible, I doubt we want to be sharing the amount of infrastructure info and alerts that would get passed)

    Hi Michael

    Yaron from Zerto here.

    ZCC cannot be tied to anther ZCC but you can perform this action without using a ZCC to ZCC connection. The only site that will require the ZCC is the target CSP. The setup will be the same process as any other onboarding any other site.

    Best regards

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